April 24 2010: Ok, ok, I know, I missed a week. I'll lay the blame on Shane. He's taking 3 college courses at the moment. I have been turned into a research assistant. I'm tired....I don't know how he is doing it. Of course at the moment he is sawing logs out in the living room after putting in a full 12 hours of watch.
Not that there is a lot to do. The above is from last weekend. Wet and gray. Like the whole week has been. Ah well, it's spring time. Soon wet and gray will give way to wet and green.

Did go to one of the farmers markets. I love the local strawberries. So neatly arranged in their container, and cleaned to a shine, and just at the peak of ripeness. Perfect with blueberries and whipped cream! Thank goodness for greenhouses! That's how we get locally grown strawberries at this time of year. Well worth it, about 250 Yen (around $2.50) at the market. On base, same container, same grower is a little over $3. I like the farmers market. When your done, there are vendors that are serving freshly cooked food as well. My friend, Jenell, and I refer to it as "food on a stick" it covers everything, and, obviously, it's portable.

Out behind our housing area fields are being plowed and prepped for carrots and whatever else. Rice will come later.
Below: One of the locals out tending his burn barrel.

Not real sure what the ladies are digging up. The tractor goes through first and plows. They follow behind and are digging up some kind of root that has been laying underground all winter. They are dressed in ample clothing as one: it was cold out and rainy (did I mention it's been a wet, cold and gray week) plus to protect their skin from whatever bugs, and suns rays that might be lurking.
Below: A newly plowed field. Not one of the fields behind our housing. Over in another neighborhood. We went for a walk, and actually remembered the camera. Of course, it was cold and gray and.....can you guess it? YES! it was rainy! (no, I'm not tired of the rain at all. Actually I do enjoy it, but I like a little sun now and then. Should be better this week, sun, then rain)

So this walk, Shane, Andi and I saw some different houses....all ranges, from the more traditional (above)...
to the more modern (below).....

to stand alone apartments (I guess) (below) There were about 6-8 of these little houses on this lot. They looked as small in real life as they do in the picture. I wonder what they look like on the inside.

As always, weird signs seem to have a way of finding me, or me of them (not sure which or witch). Now, not sure if the above is an actual store. We came out of a side road and saw it a little ways down the street. Will have to find it again on another day and investigate. Though from our view point it didn't look open.
Below: Not real sure what the sign should say....."sb" perhaps "somebody"? (I had a different theory on "sb" but the 'o' was missing....put it together in the right order.....I'll wait......got it? ok, but Japanese people are to polite, so I don't think it's that)

And amidst the rain and gloom, spring has sprung! Little flowers are popping up. I love to see what has come out every day. Does make the drizzly days worth while.....that's why I really don't mind the rain.

Now we move on to something a little different. Something a little retro. Since my mom is in Northern California to visit family....and I know there is a family gathering going on this weekend, I thought I would put up some old photos from years LONG past for the benefit of those folks, and of course for everyone else's amusement!

Family reunion out at Bear River. Nope, my mom is not in that one (we missed a lot of these when I was growing up....the one I do remember I can't find a photo of) Not sure what year this is, not on the photo....feel free to fill me in.
Below: My Grandmother and my sisters and myself. Must have been around 1974 since I am missing my two front teeth.

Below: Cousin Lorna! Holding me and that's Tova next to her. Oh, by the way, if you need perspective on how long ago.....I'm 40 now, and I'm sure Lorna must still be around the 20 year mark. I won't tell you Tova's age....though she is 5 years older than me (oops)

Below: My mother will kill me for this. But I didn't want her left out of the retro fun. She's the one in the purple sweater (we'll just go with that) Don't know the year, as it's not listed on the photo, but must be the 1980's.

Below: And one more. I didn't want May to be left out. That's May on the left (3years) with Tova and Cousin Eric. 1969 at Grandmother's Piegon Point house.

To the clan gathering this weekend. Take pictures and send them on! And yes, someday you too might find yourself in a "retro look back".....depends on how many more slow weeks I have!