Above is the Wasatch Mountain Range, leaving Salt Lake City, bound for Michigan. And of course above the cloud cover.

I can't remember if I put this picture on of Andi monkeying around. (it wasn't taken with the iTouch, in case you wonder...) But this is how she spent the majority of our evacuation, upside down at any playground we could find.

During car trips and plane rides I would let Andi play around with the iTouch. This is her view of the Mackinack Bridge. There were also lots of pictures of the roadside whizzing by, and self portraits with the tongue sticking out. sigh

Ok, back in the air again. I think on our way to Salt Lake. At a certain point all cloud cover looks the same, from above and below.

And speaking of below, Andi and the camera again. I guess this is how she sees the world. I know that she has missed 7-eleven's (home of the world's best slushies, according to her).

On our way from Salt Lake to Seattle to head home to Japan. Wonderfully clear skies and picture perfect views of Mt Rainier ("what, there are volcano's HERE TOO!!!" ummm, wonder who said that!)

And below, our last view of the states. No picture of our first view of Japan, as well, it was pitch dark when we arrived. Oh, the time travel thing....we left Seattle around 8pm Saturday, arrived in Japan around 9pm Sunday evening, yet the flight was only 11 hours....where does the time go!
And, flash forward to the semi-present. (May 24 2011) This week Andi's class, and a few others went on a field trip. The Towada Art Center and the giant roller slide at Towada Horseland.
I still get a kick out of the tiny firetrucks. Which, as a side note, their sirens aren't sirens, but bells clanging. Just kind of brings a smile to your face.
Andi up on the cast iron saddle, riding off to parts unknown.

And with some of her classmates, the group I was assigned to for the days adventures.

A little perspective, above, of how big the ant is.

And just how neat does a construction site need to be? I understand the principals for the metal sheets to keep the tractor from sinking in the mud (which really wasn't that mucky) but tarps as well??? And look at just how clean it all is! A lot of times the fellows out directing traffic in construction areas will have brooms with them. When traffic is non-existent, they will sweep the mud and debris from the roadway. I don't think we've suffered a rock chip in the windshield since living here.

Up at Horseland. Andi showing one of her classmates the technique for feeding the carrots to the horse without getting your fingers nibbled on. I'm wondering just how far out that neck can stretch!

And spring has sprung here in Northern Japan. Flowers are blooming, and being planted. Rice is going into the paddies, and the surest sign of spring....the cuckoo bird has returned. Though it has been a bit silent the last few days while we endure the outer edges of a Typhoon. There is actually frost warning up for tonight. Here's hoping that the crops do ok!

Check back later in the week, as we did get out on Saturday, so there are more pictures to be had. But, you know, I must go back to procrastination....though somehow naps never get procrastinated, they take precedence!