Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ground Golf

November 8 2010- Ya' remember how now and then I run across these older people playing a game that is a cross between golf and croquet? And how it is that for some reason I could never figure out what it is called? Now, to be is called "Ground Golf" (but then you knew that from looking at today's title?) I always suspected it would be an obvious name, but yet, when I finally realize it, BAM! Surprise! Go figure.

So, in my "googling" process...looking up Ground Golf, can give you all sorts of rules about the game of golf and grounding the club....or ball, or something (I zoned out, or crossed my eyes, or something) but the above link gives brief overview of the rules and etiquette.

And that will be it for today. I exciting trips, walks, bumps or falls. It was a pretty tame week. Saturday was a gorgeous day and Andi and the neighborhood kids all went to the park to play...ALL DAY!! I took the time to purge her room (with her permission...either stay home and clean the room, or go play and Mom cleans the room). Now we are back in neat nik mode....she'll make her bed every day AND fold her pj's up and put them neatly on her bed. I give it a week. Maybe a little more, since she lost a lot of things, though there have been no complaints (wise girl).
All right, off I go to commence this week. Let's hope it has some sort of excitement...but not to exciting!