Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Walk in the Clouds

October 1 2011 - It was my pick this weekend as to where we got to explore. I wanted the Hokkado Ropeway. Been wanting to see it for awhile, and had hoped to do it while mom was here. But the weather, and a sick child conspired against us.
We started out by heading up Rt 103. We've done this road many times. One of the things we've noticed is little pull outs and a nature trail. Today, because we could, we stopped for a couple of those pullouts.
(take note of how blue that sky is! A beautiful day for a ride in the mountains.....or is it?)

Andi had a great time with the dragon flies.

Note that this water fall is terraced. It is man help the salmon get upstream to do their duty.

Oh....what happened to the blue sky? Yes, we went up in elevation and over the pass. Apparently it is a little cloudier on this side.....and colder.

Andi, it turns out, isn't to thrilled with the idea of a gondola ride up the mountain side. Her she is, putting on the appearance of being somewhat excited. Shortly thereafter she tried to make a bolt for the car as we were getting ready to board the gondola. (this one should bring up the brochures)

There were some amused Japanese. Perhaps more concerned that their would be a screaming child on the ride. But, a few bribes...a trip to the gift shop on return and playtime at the indoor playground on base, brought her down to dull whimpers. She pulled her hat down and hid in Shane's arms the whole way up. But she did it! Just before we were to get on the ride, I realized that I had left the binoculars in the car. She volunteered to go back for them. But I suspect that had I done that, she wouldn't have returned.
So, the view from the cable car....a bit obscured.
At the top are some wonderful hiking paths. Little loop and big loop. After much discussion, one slight tantrum (sort of Andi and sort of me....she was too cold and wet and wanted to return. I was cold to, but wanted to see the rest of the foggy views. And Shane was in heaven and wished we had proper gear to do some of the off the main trail trails.) We ended up doing the whole "8" trail.
The mountain top station.
The pillar below had carvings on each side. Each side was different. Since we couldn't see the view, we could only surmise that it was depicting the view that one was looking at.

Above: Map showing the various volcano's that are around.
Below: A brief break(?) in the clouds reveal a communications station. Oh, it wasn't just clouds....It was rain as well. Cold rain. Cold wet rain. Cold wet rain that turned to sleet. Cold wet rain that turned to sleet that also had a good stiff breeze bringing it in. Did I mention cold?

The trail was very well groomed. Some areas dirt (mud by now). Other areas cemented over, and dirt areas with logs on which to walk to stay out of said mud. (which is a good theory, but doesn't really work for a 10 year old in sneakers)
WOW! Look at that view! Stunning! All right, so it's a foggy abyss. (and there is apparently a tree growing out of my head!)

Logs, and boards to go over the muddy path ways.

Above: A marsh area. That's about as scenic as it got.

Above: a description of the marshlands and how they form in volcanic areas.
Below: Trail marker at the top of the "8". We were on the green path. Shane really wished we were properly attired to go do the brown path, which would lead us higher into the mountain. If we ever return here, hopefully it is warmer and sunnier, than I might be tempted.

The ride back down the cable car. A little better this time. No screams, or trying to run away. Mainly because she knew the car was below...the only way to get there was the cable car. She did pull her hat up the last 5 minutes and looked out. Even stood up.
But still, not a good view on the way down.

Thank goodness for the gift shop that had some postcards. I don't know why the marsh looks so orange. Not sure if that's the way it really looks and it's a result of the volcanic properties, or if there is some photoshopping done on the picture.
Below: What our view could've looked like if it wasn't in the clouds.
So, as cold as it was, and a bit miserable for some of was a wonderful experience! I would do it again in a heartbeat. (Andi's heart might have to be restarted....)

On the way back to Misawa, the clouds cleared (of course) and there were some beautiful valleys.

So ends the weekend adventure. We didn't get out on Sunday, as Andi opted to use her indoor playground bribe. Oh, and as part of the ride bribe, she gets next weekends outing pick. Well, we know it won't be to the ropeway!