Saturday, April 21, 2012

Misawa to Utah

It seems so long ago that the nitty gritty part of our move started.  It's been just over a month...really? seems so much longer!
March 12 2012 gave us another dumping of snow.  This was the day the base was to come out and pick up the appliances we'd been using for the last 3 years.  Shane shoveled the driveway several times in an attempt to make it easier for the truck.  Of course the fact that the street doesn't get plowed would soon become a problem.

 Oh, and the satellite guy also had to come and remove the dish from the top peaks of the house. We are the only house in the neighborhood with a strange set up...everybody else's was within arms reach, oh to be so lucky.  After satellite guy got stuck, and the garbage truck pushed him out (garbage truck then got stuck) Shane went out to hold the ladder as the wind was howling as well.  We paid the guy extra...he didn't object. (Japanese generally don't accept tips, we found the exception)
 Next in was the appliance truck....they too got stuck.  Because of the snow the truck couldn't make the turn into the street that runs in front of the house, so they came on the street that runs behind.  Stuck they were.  Being determined folks, used to the snow, they lugged the appliances the 100 feet from front door to the truck.
 Next day, March 13 the big moving truck was to come for the household goods.  Oh, the streets hadn't been plowed yet.  Well, the street leading up to our house.  The moving truck couldn't make the turn, so went back to its depot.  A frantic call to the landlord, and an hour or so later the tractor showed up to plow a path for the trucks.  Amazingly, even with a four or five hour delay to the start of the pack out, the packers got the house packed and loaded in one day.  Thank goodness for a double crew!  No pictures of that, it was a tad hectic in the house.  We tucked ourselves into a corner and watched the hustle.
You'd think that would be the end of the drama, no not so.  As the trucks were pulling out, Shane finalizing paper work, I stepped back in the house, missed the step up and jammed my toe into the doorstep.  A brief visit to the urgent care to be told what I already knew....a broken toe in the middle of winter....good luck wearing the "shoe".  I opted for my hiking boots, stiff and able to loosen the laces enough for me to get my foot in.
In the midst of moving chaos, Andi and I continued feeding the birds.  We ended up with one more new "friend" before leaving.
 We flew out on March 20, 2012 bound for Seattle, Washington.  Our fly out day was clear skies, which was amazing, since it had done nothing but snow from pack out day on.
In Seattle we separated for a week or two.  Shane went on to do his out processing, while Andi and flew down to Temecula, CA to visit my sister.

Had great fun going to an olive oil tasting bar (yes there is such a thing), learning how to drive on the right and that the blinker is on the left side of the steering wheel.  I didn't drive for about a week, when I did I heard a few mutterings from Andi of "to the right" as I wondered why the arrows in the parking lot where on the right side and I on the left....ohhhhhh!
While there we hooked up with friends we hadn't seen in about 6 years.  Andi and the boys used to play together in Norfolk all the time.  They picked right up where they left off.  Thanks Gonzalez family for a fun evening (and sleep over for Andi).

 Went to a horse show while we were there.  Big estate, the show rings were far apart.  Andi and I would go to one, it would just be ending....wander over to the next, oh they are just warming up.  Instead we watched a few of the cross country competitors and then headed for Barnes and Noble.  It was a bit chilly out, not cold by any means, but considering this is Southern California not as warm as I was hoping for.

One of the best highlights was watching my niece learn how to climb the big tree in the yard.  She and Andi had a great time up there.  Hopefully Andi didn't teach her to many bad habits about tree climbing, like hanging upside down or jumping into the flower garden.....

 Shane arrived and was greeted with great gusto by the girls.  (he has that affect on some of women)

 Below:  A picture just for Andi's Grandma Carla.
 Eventually we left Temecula to start our drive East.  Pulling off in Las Vegas to get lunch I just had to take a picture of the restaurant just rolls off the tongue.

 Above: Beaver, Utah a resting spot.
Below:  Geese headed North, it really must be spring.  We just couldn't believe the size of this formation.  From our ground level view it looked like a giant silver ribbon in the sky, totally amazing to see.

 In Salt Lake, Andi got to meet up with some of her cousins.  Above are 5 of 6 brothers and below are Shane's folks.

The snow followed us........go figure.
Shane's brother had two new colts he was breaking in.  We were able to take a couple of hours and go watch him work the horses.  Andi was in heaven.  Uncle Jody let her lead one of the horses a little bit.  Andi had just spent two days at the barn with my sister and had gained a lot of confidence in how to lead a horse and tell it to "back off".

 Jody successfully getting in the saddle and taking a few rides around the ring.

 The world's friendliest horse!  This one was in the big arena just wandering about, but loved to be petted.  He did take a bit of interest in my hair, which I might've been offended about, but he was just so friendly, I think I found a horse even I could love.

 So, that's just part of our journey.  There are more pictures forthcoming...more from Utah, and a few from our journey across the states.  And of course pictures of our new home.  At the moment though new home is without furniture.  So ideally I should take pictures, this is probably the least cluttered this house will ever be.