October 7 2009: Well, I appear to be behind in my blog. Of course there is a reason....I went to the dentist. What was supposed to be a simple tooth extraction, turned into anything but simple. Oh, I'm ok, and I'll survive, I did spend my week (since the 1st) in a bit of a stupor. Today I'm clearheaded again, though tomorrow is the follow up, oh lucky me!
Anyway, did take one short walk (short, very short...5 minutes tops). This is a little temple not far from our house, that I've been meaning to take pictures of for a long time.

One of the guardians.

Above: Tucked away in a corner, just under the temple gates is another little shrine. I missed it going in one direction, but caught it on the way back. Since there is a cat in the doorway (below) I can only assume that this is dedicated to a beloved cat.
Ok, a short one today, I know....but well, here's hoping that next week is better. I might have more pictures this weekend. There is a storm headed up the coast, that is supposed to hit here Thursday or Friday. Not sure what to expect...Shane will keep me apprised of all warnings and what not, as will Armed Forces Radio, so I'm sure we'll be safe.
But now I need to go and catch up on a weeks worth of housecleaning....but first a nap!