Well, that's the most excitement I'll get for the day. Off to do the dishes and continue my career as a Domestic Goddess!
Monday, January 25, 2010
January 26 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
January 15-18 2010
Andi has always wanted to live in a snow fort. I told her at the rate we are going, this will be a fort indeed. At least it is heated! oh, wait, that's our house!
Now, Andi has never been sledding. So Shane took the first two runs with her. First, thank goodness I am in charge of the camera. Shane said it was quiet bumpy and rather hard on the backside. Second, if he keeps doing runs with Andi, we really need to invest in a bigger sled. But, hey, this is the best sled, it was free, given to us by moving neighbors.
Below: Of course, the hard part, coming back up. But never once did I hear her complain about the trek back up.

Below: ok, now it was just time to play with the camera....it has a great speed shutter!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
14 Inches!
I do have to say, with Andi's hat riding that low....I'm not sure how she sees out. But she gets around.

This would be later in the day, after that extra inch fell....putting the snow levels at her knees. She assured me it was very difficult to walk in.
Above: Instead of asphalt shingles, we have sheet metal strips. This is great as the snow doesn't build up on the roofs. It does slide however. It was so wet and heavy yesterday that you could hear it groaning as it started to slide. Once the slide was in full force it sounded like an earthquake, with the rumbles, plus the house shakes with it. You can see across the way how much snow has fallen off the neighbors houses.
But, there are some things Andi just won't skip. Swim class being the primary one. By the time we went in the streets were nicely packed. Shane came with us, so as to help me with the truck. I must admit to not being inclined to drive in the snow. Actually, as a lot of you know, I learned to drive in the snow. But since being here, haven't done it. Last year it was mainly due to the fact that I could barely remember to drive on the left, why would I want to throw bad road conditions into the mix. So, I drove to swim lessons, with Shanes foot planted firmly on the imaginary brake on the passenger side.

And, of course, after a day of snow and swimming, and a treat of playing for an hour at the food court play land...a nice hot bath was in order. Don't you love our tubs? These things are great....can overfill them, as that whole room is the tub and shower room. Deep, long tubs and a good bit of steam.....ahhhh....you know I just may have to go take a soak myself.
Now we get to today, Thursday. This is down at Andi's bus stop. The huge pile of snow if what the farmer plowed in his work area.
A view of our street. Hasn't been plowed.....probably won't be. Our house on the left, with the garage door that you can see.
And, of course, after a day of snow and swimming, and a treat of playing for an hour at the food court play land...a nice hot bath was in order. Don't you love our tubs? These things are great....can overfill them, as that whole room is the tub and shower room. Deep, long tubs and a good bit of steam.....ahhhh....you know I just may have to go take a soak myself.
Following below: pictures from my walk this morning. Thank goodness for "yak trax", a wonderful invention that just makes walking in the plowed snow SO much easier....no slipping.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
This morning, the 11th, the snow is all but gone. Hopefully there'll be more. Brown grass is just no fun to look at (never mind the fact that my grass was brown through the whole summer and is in fact dead)
And that was the excitement for the week. Aside from the fact that I am still in sync with my New Year's resolutions, there really has been no big news. Must find a food festival somwhere....
Sunday, January 3, 2010
January 3 2010
So yes, on this particular walk day, it was rather tricky. Even the dirt roads were hard navigating, so my friend and I ended up taking little roads through the rice fields, where there was still a thin layer of snow to get traction.
We did get snow flurries the other day. The neighbor came over to drop some stuff off. It was ok weather when she came, but 5 minutes later strong gusts and flurries were all over. She had her baby with her, so sent Andi brought out her blanket for the baby to wrap up in, followed them to their house, then back home with her blanket. Somehow I could just envision her on some pioneer trek....of course to Andi the 30 yards to the neighbor house might as well have been 30 miles...I'm sure she conjured it up in her mind.
Hopefully weather will start cooperating....either be sunny and let things grow, or snow and cover up the grayness. Right now trying to find things to take pictures of is a little hard, it all seems so dull. But it is a new year, must look at it with fresh eyes.
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