January 15 2010 - Well, at this moment, it is just a mere 14 inches of snow. The road crews for our little subdivision push all the snow into our yard. (we have an extra sized lot...probably just for this purpose) We also have an abundance of neighborhood children now as well. And, I hear, a few grownups. Though no one can prove it was me, as I go out after dark.....

The two above pictures are from our back deck. Not to bad on Thursday.

But, oh wait, it's Saturday now, the 16th. It's been snowing all day. By 2pm we had a serious case of cabin fever going on. So what's a person to do? Why drive into base of course. To do anything of serious self preservation? No, just to go and get out. At this point we've had about 5 more inches. Keep in mind average Misawa snow fall for the winter is a total of 125 inches....we're just getting started.

We came home after dark to find bigger snow piles. Saturday delivered a total of about 8 inches. The road crews were out quickly and did their jobs well. Andi was very pleased with the size of the piles. We have two main ones that are made by the front loaders. Then there are the berms that run around the house from the snow sliding off the roofs. Those are up to the window sills now.

Andi helped Shane out with the evening snow shoveling. The Japanese crews do come around, but they have a lot of houses to do. Shane and I figure if we can do it, then we do, but of course we will take their help without hesitation. There is a LOT of snow to come!

Sunday the 17th found Andi and a neighbor boy out in the piles by 8 am. She was out there 'til 11am, came in long enough for some high calories food....then back out til 4:30 pm. The only reason she came in was because everyone else had gone in, and we had some place to go.

Andi and the neighbor grooming their sledding hills. I don't worry about cars coming down the road.....everyone knows the piles are here so seem to be avoiding our loop....they're like ants crawling all over the place. I think on Sunday I looked out to see 5 kids, with more probably lurking on the other side.

Andi has always wanted to live in a snow fort. I told her at the rate we are going, this will be a fort indeed. At least it is heated! oh, wait, that's our house!

At last on Monday we went for an outing! I know, the wonder of wonders....an outing. Andi was begging for a road trip. But Shane has a late shift tonight, so no straying to far afield. Our big venture was to the base. But we went in search of the sledding hill that we keep hearing about. It does have great views. That is a lake. I hear there is kayaking in the summer. Something I would really like to do this year. Also, hidden in the snow are some hiking trails. Will wait for thaw for that as well.

Now, Andi has never been sledding. So Shane took the first two runs with her. First, thank goodness I am in charge of the camera. Shane said it was quiet bumpy and rather hard on the backside. Second, if he keeps doing runs with Andi, we really need to invest in a bigger sled. But, hey, this is the best sled, it was free, given to us by moving neighbors.

The hill is a bit steeper than it looks. Has a pretty good slope to it. Probably would have been helpful if I had taken pictures from the bottom. But I had topside duty, while Shane waited at the bottom to pick up bits and pieces. Andi was very resistant to the idea of going by herself. Great crocodile tears rolled down her face. I assured her it would be fine. Several minutes later, I'm sure it was an accident, my foot released her sled......screams down the hill (we started a good halfway down, so really I'm not that mean....just exasperated). She went down just fine, no mishaps, but as soon as the sled stopped, she FLEW off the sled and into Shane's arms. I'm sure she was telling him what an evil woman I was, but once he stopped laughing, he sent her back up, and she had a great time.

Above: Down she goes.....of her own free will this time. But very slow going, as she went in the powder. It took about 3 more runs before she went on the more packed area, then what smiles we had! And "gee, Mom, this is FUN!" Though she might deny it tonight...
Below: Of course, the hard part, coming back up. But never once did I hear her complain about the trek back up.

Oh, there's that gleeful smile!
Below: ok, now it was just time to play with the camera....it has a great speed shutter!

oooo, he better not hit my camera....I mean OUR camera.....

nope, it fell short....
Back to school tomorrow for Andi. Hopefully back to a routine for me. If procrastination is a routine, then I've got it down pat. No, I did make resolutions...even have them written down. Back on the wagon tomorrow and get some stuff done!