Not sure what this next weekend holds for us. Shane is working both days....he had nights last week. I hear there is an ice festival in the next town. Providing there is no snow, Andi and I might have to go out on our own. The tricky part is finding a parking spot.....we'll see how adventurous we feel!
A slow week this past week. Was called a "tired all leady" by an acquaintance.....really, just a mix up with "r"'s and "l"'s. She was asking if I was "tired all ready.....but it sound more like "tired ol' lady" We had a great laugh over it.....after my initial su'plise (yes it is happening to me as well). Actually, Shane and Andi seem to take great delight in seeing how many times I can loose my r's in everyday conversation. It is becoming more frequent. Just last night I told Andi how "ploud" I was of her swimming (it is coming right along, and that's "proud" in case you wonder)
Now if I could just speak it properly (Japanese) and understand it, then there would be much more adventure in store I'm sure.
So, now that you are thoroughly bored with this week (winters are long and gray here), we shall hope that something more grand comes our way this next week.