August 9 2010: I confess....I really have nothing new for the week. It has been VERY hot here in Japan, worst heat wave in 100 years. Though I see the states has been hot as well. Lots of places in the world. So I shan't complain to much. We at least have a/c in two rooms. The privilege of living off base. On base housing....no a/c :(.
So just a few pics. The above is from the Tanabata Festival, one of the lanterns. And Andi in her crown. She fell asleep at home with that on....I have pictures, but will save them for later years when I need to bribe/blackmail her.

The water looks really cool and refreshing. To bad that's where the all the big fish are. We'll stick to the garden hose.

But like I said, did nothing all week. I don't think you really want to look at pictures of us lying like blobs with sweat puddles pooling around us.
I just remember, that fall is just around the corner....with all the snow, two weeks of heat can be dealt with.