November 26- After recovering from overeating on Thanksgiving, Saturday dawned a somewhat almost sunny day. Exploration day! (if you listen carefully in the background is the whine: "but when is it going to be MY turn to choose what to do?" I told her the next rainy weekend was her pick....if it fit my needs. Now, listen more, can you hear the eyes rolling?) We have heard of the Kuji Cliffs. After the last cliff adventure, we thought this would be great!
So, down the East coast of Japan we went. Made our way to the actual coast in Hachinohe, and right away another great day started!

We stopped at a little pull out (just up the road from the actual observatory) and found a path down to the ocean. Climbing out croppings and looking for tidal pools and hidden treasures are one of the best things!

As Shane was helping Andi negotiate the rocks, I realized the shoes that were on her feet....really crocs? Never mind the sneakers that I know are in the car....But she did fine.

Down the road....all of about 200meters was the observatory. I loved listening to Andi. Immediately the imagination kicked in. This must be some ancient outpost, watched over by the Samurai. The steps hand carved for easy access. (the steps were really made of concrete and no more than 20 years old....but the story she got going....)

A map to give you an idea of where we are. Though keep in mind, we are on the East coast of Japan, headed South, the map makes it look like we looking northward....

Andi at the observatory. Just seeing her look out over the ocean like this makes me happy. She is still very afraid of the ocean and potential tsunami's, so her going down to the seaside and climbing up observation decks is a big deal!

Looking down the coast from the observatory. There is a nice pathway that leads to our next stop....but being on a slight agenda, we drove down the road, all of about a kilometer.

See how far! (look at the map below....not that far at all before the next stop)

But we had to check out the beach. This is one of the most popular beaches in the area. It suffered a little damage in the tsunami, but not enough that we could even pinpoint what it might be.

There was a overlook area here as well. Andi went on down to the beach. If you look at the photo below very carefully, in the middle of the rock is a purple dot....that would be our child, off exploring. (oh, but this time she had on her sneakers...)

I think climbing about on those rocks is one of the funnest things to do! It's like a puzzle to see if you can get to a certain point, and keep an eye on the waves at the same time! (though we do try hard to not be the people you see on the news....you know the ones)
We finally made it to the city of Kuji. But let me clarify...this is Kuji, Iwate Prefecture. There is another Kuji that is close to Fukushima....not that one!
But as you can see, some how we are inland, not out on the cliffs.
On the bright side, we did find a city park to roam around in.
I love these benches!

I had to look at the statue closely....they are cuddling a little bunny rabbit.

Views of the city of Kuji.

Above: The wavy building with the cone in front of it is Amber Hall (thank goodness for English road signs)
We didn't go in...just admired from afar.

I love that at a lot of the temples is the above sign. I think I should like to have one in my yard someday...

The temple dogs were dressed with festive scarves.

The Kuji Harbor. At first glance you don't really notice the damage. But if you look closer, there were many floating cranes out there. The "jacks" that are usually stacked so neatly are all in a jumble. There is an impressive 14 foot high seawall surrounding the harbor, it appeared to work well, as there seemed to be little damage to the houses. The processing areas inside the wall though seemed heavily damaged.

Along the wall are tile mosaics. The above representing the Ama diving for sea urchins.
Oh, my favorite sign of the day is below. I saw it as we were headed down the coast, and on the way back up....is it wine, or some kind of elixir? What is "natural DNA collagen?

Oh, what? Are you waiting to see pictures of the Kuji cliffs? Yeah, so am I! Remember those stunning city views of Kuji....umm, yeah, just a little of course there. We went inland somehow (roadsigns do not say East, West, North, South). We were able to sort of see where we wanted to end up, but to far away for a good camera shot. Daylight is in short supply at this time of year. And since it is winter, we prefer to try to get home before pitch black sets in and all the roads freeze. It had been a dry day with just a few raindrops, but hilly roads aren't as fun when you aren't familiar with them! We are hoping for one more sunny weekend, with a direct drive to Kuji...no side stops (with no side stops, it's really not that bad of a drive) so that we can find those cliffs! (of course the stiff breezes blowing off the ocean will make it so much more pleasant.....)