December 25 2011: Well, Christmas Break is a week in. I'm only slightly crazy. (well, just slightly more than usual) There has been some snow so Andi has been able to entertain herself a bit in the yard. Building a "snow recliner" was much easier than a snowman.
The little neighbor girl is finally old enough to come out and play for a little bit with Andi. Andi takes her big sister responsibilities very seriously. So far no unnecessary snowballs in anybodies faces.

Of course with all the question as to whether we would still be here at Christmas....it is once again time for a move and other major life changes (which as soon as we know details, I'll give more details....some already know the challenges we are facing, for the rest....all will be revealed soon) Anyway, with not knowing which way is up, we decided not to unpack the Christmas ornament trunk or get out the big tree. This way ensuring for sure we would be here for Christmas. (Murphy's law dictates that had I unpacked and set up for Christmas in full fashion, we would've been packing out this week) But let's remember we are dealing with the military/government, so any snafu that can be encountered, rest be assured, we are the ones to find it!

As a result, we got a small artificial tree from a local store. Andi got to have full charge of decorating it with items found around the house and a few things from the 100 Yen store. We, her parents, think she did a fabulous job, but we do tend to be a bit prejudiced.

The tree topper she made herself using flowers from the 100Yen store, and the various decorations are home made, or re-purposed decorations from her room. I may put her in charge every year!

Christmas morning: And it was dark o'clock! She opted to get up around midnight to open gifts, so as to play through the night, and sleep all day. We tried to keep things simple for the impending move....hence she asked Santa for a "rolly" suitcase. (carry on suitcase that rotates 360 degrees...I think I want one) A few arts and crafts projects to keep her busy during break, and her most surprising request....to adopt a critter from the National Wildlife Foundation. Wish granted!

I went to bed at the semi-reasonable hour of 2 a.m. Shane stayed "up" with Andi. (he snoozed in his chair) while Andi played and watched movies. At 9 I came out to find this lump that would remain in the middle of the floor til around noon. She had a great time, and loved the "first" part of her Christmas. "Second" part is to come when we get re-settled.

Around 3pm she decided she had recovered enough to go out "ice skating". The road in front of our house, and the road we drive in on have been a solid sheet of ice since Wednesday. The ice is probably about 2-3 inches thick. Even in the sunniest part of the day it's not thawing much. It's not all that cold out, well obviously it's below freezing, but I didn't think it all that bad!

Rosy cheeks though are the order of the day when playing outside.
Below: demonstrating one of her "moves". The girl can barely walk a straight line on a good day, but can spin around and around on the ice without falling. (granted she is in boots and not on actual skates....but still, her dad and I can't walk 10 feet without planting some part of our body on the ice)

So that's our Christmas vacation so far. With the minor detail of me catching one heck of a winter cold, complete with high fever and trip to the ER (what's a Curtis Christmas without one of us going to the ER?). Now we set in for the second week of vacation. I don't foresee a lot going on. I'm not one to drive on roads that are that icy....plus Shane has to work. Andi has a few activities at the youth center to keep her busy. I know, I'll stay in and see if I can get over this "crud"!
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!