I pondered what to put up for pictures on this weeks blog. I decided that there have been many times in the past week that I wished there was a nice warm sitting spot for drinking some tea and just listening to the sounds around. Thought this garden picture (not my garden) kind of captured that mood.
As we await word on our evacuations (once again voluntary) there is much to do in this country to bring it back.
I haven't a doubt that these resilient people will get it done. Part of SAM will take the voluntary evacuation, the military part has to stay behind and help the host country, which he is more than willing to do. It's a hard decision for Andi and I, but feel it is the right thing to free up resources for those who really need it.
Since the 11th we have experienced hundreds of aftershocks. I tried to stay on top of the count at the start, but gave up after 350. Waking to the bed moving around in the night is no longer as alarming. Though waking up to Andi wrapped tightly around me is a little startling, perhaps it is the lack of air flowing to my brain. I keep telling myself she'll move back into her room when she's ready, and the weather warmer. (we aren't heating the bedrooms at the moment so extra quilts and body heat are the order of the night)

On the upside school started back up. Andi so wanted to go all last week. But today, not so much. Finally got her there, a couple hours late, but she's there. The guidance counselor was speaking with the class, so it was perfect timing.
We are keeping up a sort of normal routine while we await our evac numbers to be called. Some might think this is taking awhile, which it sort of does, but we are keeping in mind that those downwind from Fukushima Dai-ichi really appreciate getting out now. So we wait.
For those also on FB you know there are a lot of links to pictures of the Misawa and Hachinohe areas. I've decided to not pull any over to the blog. It is such an overwhelming site and so much to process. Instead I pulled over a few that you've seen before of the Port area (some of my favorites). I still haven't been down to the area. From what I understand the big jacks things are still there, but everything that helped make the beach the beach, is no longer there. I'm sure eventually we'll get to go down, but not before we (Andi and I) are ready to process the change.

In the meantime, hang tight, I'll keep doing my weekly updates. It might be SAM on "vacation" instead...or pictures of horrified drivers as I try to remember how to drive on the right side of the road (it is the right, right?)