We got there in time on Saturday to see this happy fellow take his run. He got off no shots at all, but was smiling the whole time!
Ready! Aim! And, no, I can't tell you if he made the shot...I probably wasn't paying attention!

Riders and their various outfits are always a treat. Another thing about this event, you always know who the riders are!

You'll see the lady above in a little bit astride her ride!
(Above) Off to the side of each target there are always two young ladies. They are in charge of popping open their umbrella after the rider has passed to indicate a hit (for the judges further up the line) and the second young lady goes and picks up the arrows. They are usually off to the side and out of the line of fire. We did see one close call as the arrow collector didn't realize that a rider was coming down the line. You should've seen her eyes pop wide as she did a very quick squat to the ground to get out of the way. I think it may have surprised the rider as well, but in true form, took the shot and made it. The collector retrieved the arrow (they don't have points on them, but round balls that they shoot through a Styrofoam target) let out a big breath and started that uncontrollable giggling. (Aunt Inga arrived in Japan!)
All the riders were missing above was a warm campfire to gather around.

Andi got one of the biggest treats of the day. Well, two, maybe three treats! (what a day for her) First, her best friend got to come along. Nothing like a companion to go with you to take away the pain of having to be with your parents. Second, the our neighbor family, and great friends, came a little after we did (Andi loves playing their 2 year old daughter) and three.....we FINALLY paid out the 500Y for her and her friend (who had never been on a horse) to take a ride on a couple of ponies. It wasn't a wild ride by any means, twice around the little ring, lead by an escort (my kind of ride really), but for Andi it was a piece of heaven!

In another ring was an exhibition of English Dressage. They are there every year as well. I'm always impressed with how many jumps they squeeze into such a small arena.

Above, a couple of tired horses! (or perhaps they are ponies....they seem small to me)

Because every Samurai shouldn't be without his digital camera! (above)

The event seemed more subdued this year. Of course it had just finished raining. So not as many spectators. But more than that, there weren't as many horses as we've seen in the previous two years we've gone. Some of our favorites were missing (I think we've had 3 or 4 in the last two years that we could pick out) and there didn't seem to be as many big horses. It makes my heart heavy to think some of the riders and horses may have been from the areas affected by the tsunami. Shane tried to look at the upside and perhaps it's just the economy. That would make me feel better, but with a heavy sigh, I can't help but think the worst, and hope for the best.
Andi and Zayla, and well, the other friend moved at the last minute! That's a hot dog/sausage they are sharing. Really, Shane and I think it more of a mystery meat!
And, of course, the food!

Homemade lollipops.

Burger to die for! The burger patty hasn't been placed on this one yet, but this is how they do it Japanese style! Lettuce (though it could be cabbage), tomato, one sunny side up egg, and whatever sauce they use, plus the burger. Shane's had one before and assures me they are rather tasty.
One final horse to pet!
One last stop in the civic center to check out the local artists. This was by far my most favorite display!

So, on we go with another week. Not sure there is a lot planned for the week, aside from school, school and well, oh yes, the dreaded house work! Now that's a toss up, clean the bathrooms, or wish that I was a 5th grader and suffering through math.....yeah, I'll take the bathrooms!