January 17 2012: Well it finally happened. The snow came! Andi is so happy to have snow piles in the yard again. This means it snowed enough for the front loaders to come push the snow off the roadway and make "king of the hill" piles!

I think it was about 16 inches over the weekend. The neighbor child tried to walk on through, but found having Andi pull in the sled much easier. I'm not sure how Andi feels about this arrangement, as she too would like to be pulled. But I'm not out there playing. (something about a nasty chest cold....yeah, cough, cough)

Though I am oodles proud of Andi. Saturday I shoveled 3 times, and Shane once. Sunday morning Shane and I did another round. Sunday afternoon Andi took it on herself to shovel the whole driveway. About 2-3 inches, light and powdery, but we have a WIDE driveway. This is her halfway break. When I went out a little later, it was clean as a whistle! WOW!

Of course with this much snow our narrow streets become a little more narrow. This is why they don't plow in Misawa, there's no where to push the snow. (let alone walk your dog)

So, how do I pass time on long dreary days when it's to cold to go out, to slippery to walk...why I feed the wildlife. I've been feeding the chickadees for about a month now. They are very regular and very vocal when I'm late putting out fresh food. There is so many of them now that the crows don't even bother trying to score some food (they did at first, but there is power in numbers!)

The disadvantage of the snow pile is that it is right outside the living room window. I swear they are watching me! Perhaps they are watching TV...I don't know...

but that feeling of being watched just isn't going away....