In any case, the snow has been falling. Above is our sort of "main road". It's hard to describe, not the road to get into our neighborhood, but the off shoot we take from the main road to get to the road that will get us to the neighborhood. None of this makes sense, I know. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it, but getting around in Japan is a bit tricky...things are arranged by "area", but those are lettered in the order they were created, which could have been any time in the last several centuries. It's horribly confusing.
Anyway, so the snow has been falling. The above is from about 2-3 weeks ago. It's much more narrow now. Two cars pass with barely room to spare. I drive as little as possible at the moment. I've already hit one cement wall this year because I couldn't tell the distance, I'll avoid hitting cars.
We did get out 2 weeks ago, which is a good thing, as the following week we just got hammered. A little drive, down to the mall for some lunch and window shopping. Then a drive back up the coast to the Misawa Fishery Port.
Most of the boats are in for the winter, or being repaired from the tsunami. Actually, lots of repairs going on. Dormitories have been rebuilt, new office huts popping up. And the trusty "snow monkey" holds the barricades. (the only wildlife we've seen in awhile)

It's still hard to venture down here. The swim beach is still under construction (not that it is really swimming weather) and new sea walls are being built. Andi is still very fearful of going near the ocean. I hope that lessens as she gets older.

The night of February 1st I awoke to the sound of the wind just HOWLING! Oh my, it was ferocious. I don't think I've heard it like that in some time! The house shook with each big gust, and the sound of snow being pelted against the windows was rather intense. After listening dutifully to make sure Andi sleeping through the storm, I myself buried my head under the covers. Shane was engrossed in movie watching....heard the storm, looked out the window a few times and called it good.

Above is our front door, from the inside. The snow was plastered against the outside glass.
Below is outside, after I had done a little shoveling to get even that far out the door.

We had a total of 19 inches. With 3-4 foot drifts...depending on where you were standing. Our neighbors tried to get out....no luck. I felt obligated to take a picture or two of their predicament, as well, it wasn't us. (plus they were using our shovels)
The snow is up to Andi's knees. Oh yes, for the second time since we've lived here, school was canceled! The last of Andi's wishes before we leave here. The first was enough snow for snow piles (which we got a couple of weeks ago) and more snow, enough to close school for the day. Wishes granted. (now can we get out of here?)
This is what I shoveled. It took me from 7am til around noon to get to the end of the driveway. I had to break it up into half hour blocks. The snow was REALLY heavy. Shane was going to help, but I really didn't want him to, with his back. He was supposed to report into work by noon. He did help shovel part of the street so that he could back the car out and get a running start. Oh, have I failed to mention that our little stretch of road hasn't been plowed? I know I mentioned 19 inches of snow, and that we drive a station wagon with low clearance. Just about 75 feet to the road that was plowed.

With a set jaw, Shane gunned the car for the grand break out. All of 3 feet later that came to an end. Stuck as stuck could be. He and I dug for awhile, tried to back out. No luck. The Japanese neighbor lady saw our predicament and came to the rescue with steel shovels for breaking up the compacted snow under the car. What a wonderful neighbor, she's down on hands and knees on one side of the car scraping, Shane on the other. Oh, I was busy....note there are no pictures of the event, as I was busy shoveling a better pathway for Shane to back up. After several attempts, and some images that'll stay with me for life.....my big 6foot husband in the car, while the tiny woman (all of about 5 feet and 100 pounds) and the much larger American woman push on the hood of the car to assist in getting the car moving. It was a site! Needless to say, Shane did not get into work that day. The kind neighbors (the very ones who I photographed digging out their car) came to borrow shovels again to dig out their driveway, but luck of the draw, a tractor cleared out their driveway. This tractor didn't come around to our side of the neighborhood, so neighbors Jake and Sondra shoveled the 75 feet from driveway to the plowed street.
Which was great, as by Friday morning the tractor hadn't returned yet, so Shane was able to get to work. The tractor did show up by afternoon, but left me a two foot wall in exchange. This surprised me, as usually he does a detailed clean up. So, more digging. (above) Below is what Shane was trying to drive the car out through. I don't know why it wouldn't go....

Eventually another tractor came back around for the proper clean up. Snow piles abound now! The neighbor child took great delight in directing Andi and the boys on where to put her "treasures" of "snow rocks"
Andi and Qwentyn have made good use of the snow mounds. Some of them have a bit of a cliff at the bottom, but they are young and not bothered by their butts slamming to the ground.

As mentioned, way, way earlier in the post. We did get to the mall. Though I will admit the picture of "Baked Porky Popps" was taken at the commissary, but in the "Asian" food section. Makes me wonder if these are sold in the stores in the states, or just in this region.
Going to restaurants can be an adventure. At most though will be display windows with samples of what they sell. I really kind of like the looks of the kids menu. We didn't eat here, but window shopping for meals is a fantastic past time. (I've been here to long)
Above: We took a stroll through the bowling alley. We've been here how long? This is our first time through. Very loud. Though I think all bowling alleys are loud.

Below: It's is almost "girls day" (March 3 or 4 I think). So the main store has their display of dolls out. These can be very elaborate and expensive. I like looking at them, but don't think I could ever have a place to display them that would do them justice.
Below: A friendly mascot. Not really sure who he was representing. Was trying to get Andi to stand with him, but these things freak her out a bit. That's ok, I'm a tourist....I'll take pictures of anything!
Which brings us back to today. Lots of wind, more snow, and another lazy day at home. We are still awaiting word as to when moves will take place, so we continue on in anticipation. Trust me, when we know, you'll know. Sigh.....