Sunday, June 7, 2009

March 28, 2009

We went out to the Misawa City Air and Science Musuem. It is home to "Miss Veedol" (well a replica anyway) The first trans-Pacific flight. There are lots of fun things to do at this musuem. Will have to go back for more sensory overload.

Andi and Shane in the cockpit of some plane. No, I don't know what was big and old and smelly.

The runway for Misawa City Airport, which is also the take off landing strip for the Airbase (a shared endevour) is right behind the museum. Can't get any closer with the camera, as no cameras allowed at a certain point.

Andi and her friend venturing into the wind tunnel. There was quiet a crowd of Japanese watching the two girls, in particular Andi and her dramatazation of surviving in there.

Getting loaded into the aircushion ride. Shane went with her. I wanted to go as well, but Andi's friend didn't want to go, so I stayed planted on the ground with her. It only shot up about 40 feet (stayed within the confines of the building, a giant hanger). But plenty high for Andi.

Jubuliation after the ride!

This was by far one of our favorite sites at the musuem. Our thoughts immediately went to various fathers/grandfathers and Uncles, and probably a few aunts and mothers/grandmothers who would be just as enthralled with this piece as we were. The detail work on it is just amazing. No amount of photos could do it justice