Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 9 2009

November 9 2009: Well, the start of another week! The picture line up is a little out of order, but that seems how the last week went....a little out of order.
First up, the "shack". A new season has begun, so time to update how the corner looks. He keeps his yard very well tended, the man who lives here. I'm not sure what he does, but perhaps someday I'll find out.
I go walking in the mornings now with a friend...American, who is a bit more advanced at speaking Japanese. So she enjoys starting conversations....I throw in a noun now and then if I can remember to say it before the subject moves on. He stopped us one day on our way back to give us some beautiful clippings from his yard. My house smelled fantastic for several days!

Now, something interesting has started appearing on these walks. Another harvest (I think the third harvest of this vegetable this year alone) has appeared. These are "geikon" (and hopefully I have spelled it correctly)....pronounce like guy-cone. It is a type of horseradish...and if you are talented you can make almost like a mashed potato out of it. A friend made some once and brought's pretty good, Andi and Shane love it. I tried to make it, but apparently my talent does not extend to the cooking of this particular root. You are supposed to steam it, then mash it and add mayo to I said when done right it's great....not so much when I tried.

But in any case, this harvest is a little different. Most of it is just the backyard gardens....a few big fields (I think the big fields were mostly planted with something different). So it must be time to start laying in the stores for winter. Though I'm not sure why they are being "lined dried" unless just to get excess moisture off them, as it has been rather damp of late. And yes, those big red thing are the radishes that we know in the states. I have no idea how they get that large, except to say....the fields here are EXTREMELY well fertilized.

Actually, at Homac yesterday I did notice that one could buy boxes for your storage of harvest items. There were boxes for garlic, apples, radishes, complete with padding and wrapping to keep them protected. Personally I thought some of the boxes would make great storage boxes for some of the general household crap that keeps accumulating....but thought no, mustn't keep storing that, I really should go through it.

Anyway, on we go. This is just out in the field behind the house (I don't know some of you are probably getting quite familiar with the view and are wondering if I am ever going to take a different walk.....yes, I inted to, just give me a minute...) Anyway, those who can't recognize the building on sight...great, I haven't taken to many then. Actually, it wasn't the building I was taking a picture of, it was the sun breaking through....the building (the chicken farm) just happened to be in the way. Someday I'll figure out photo-shop and do some editing...but in the meantime....

The rice is all gone now. The fields are dry and the water shut off. This farmer is out plowing the rice field...getting it ready for winter, and next year. I wished I had time to stop and watch for awhile...for as I walked by, I realized he was singing as he went along. It was oddly relaxing in the chill morning air, to have a moment ......I'm not sure what kind of moment, but it was just one of those "life's good, look where I am, look what's around us" a time to just fill the quiet calm.

And last was definitely fall. We had a dusting of snow on the 2nd. It was gone within an hour or two. But enough to remind us that the season are indeed changing. Nevermind the fact that this weekend it was in the upper 50's low 60's....nice enough weather to tease us....but it's coming.....