Friday, June 25, 2010

June20-25 2010

June 21: After a few days of rain.....HEAVY rain. (My niece Katie was amazed at the size of the rain drops and the quantity....has lived in the desert all her life) We finally got some sunshine. Though we did have to plan activities carefully at the beginning of the week, as it is to the point where it will rain at least once a day. We even had an impressive thunder storm. Haven't had one of those since leaving Virginia. Lightening, thunder booms, dark, dark, dark skies....the works!

Monday the 21st took Mom and Katie to see the giant "sucky fish" (as Andi calls them) and the neighbor Mykah as well. (Get used to seeing him....his mom is single, working full time, so he will be with us a lot this summer.) Anyway, had a freezer full of moldy bread, so had lots to feed the fish.

The horses were out in their little pasture (still at the Grand Hotel area) much to Andi's delight. Mykah-not so delighted. He hadn't seen a horse that up close in a long while, and is allergic to them, so he stayed a fair distance back.
I'm not real sure what it is about the local horses, they seem to like to come up and nudge me for more pets. I'm more than willing to pet them....and life is good.

June 22: Shipwreck Beach. Yes, this time we found it! Well, it helped that the youth center was up there on a field trip, so I could look for the government vans to mark the spot. Really, we had it the first time that Shane. Andi and I went, we just weren't brave enough to walk over the rope blocking the road. But, well, if the the government sponsored school is going to do it, then by jove, so am I.

On the directions to the place, it is indicated to look for the large gravel pit. You know, it's not a gravel is a GIANT pile of oyster shells, complete with hordes, excuse me, a murder of BBFR (big black flying rats aka Crows). So, down the road we walked and

Shipwrecks! Now, I don't know the history of these ships. The bay looks fairly sheltered, so don't know the how's or why's. I've looked on google and come up with lots of other folks who have come here and taken pictures. I'll have to continue a search to see what I can find out.

Well, I don't know what was going through Katie's mind...perhaps feeling the power of the sea. Mom is, of course, taking pictures. It just seemed like such a contrast.....
We left Shipwreck Beach and drove a little further up the coast line to where SAM has been before. Mom decided that the water was just calm and soothing to go without taking a dip. Now I know that if we had been in a more secluded area, and didn't have Mykah with us, she would've been down to the bare necessities and into the water. It's a family thing....I can remember my mother doing this when I was a young child, and my Grandmother as well. I guess thank goodness for being in strange countries (?)

The water was a little chilly, but refreshing. I mean, gee, it must have been a sweltering 70 degrees outside.
Below: Noheji Town (or is it a city?) is off in the corner of the bay.

June 25 2010: Ok, time for the really fun field trip. We went to Kabushima. All right, you know this means some research. This is what I do know from the info we get on base. "Kabu Island is a breeding ground for black-tailed gulls. The birds live on the coast of East Asia, but fly to Kabu Island every February to breed.
"From February to July each year, the bird populations is about 40,000. Japanese fishermen regard black-tailed gulls as "messengers of good luck" because they often gather over large schools of fish. On top of Kabu Island is the Itsukushima Shrine dedicated to Benzaiten, the Indian Goddess of good luck. Benzeiten is symbolic of the black-tailed gulls and the good fortune they bring." for a bit more info.

Now, let me say this. What the papers and websites don't tell you. First it stinks! There is poop everywhere (well of course they're birds!) Second, it's noisy!
At the bottom of the steps, before you start your journey is a pile of umbrellas. We all took one, really it's the safest way to do this.
And they are everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Did I mention EVERYWHERE! Every square inch of ground has a BWFR (Big White Flying Rat) (I mean no's just well, they're dirty birds)
Really dirty birds....even the dog guardians have to wear scarves on their heads.

Now, it's kind of hard to tell one gull from another....but I'm sure the same one was sitting on the rope on the way in, as on the way out. I suppose that when there are that many gulls around, if you find a spot, you just kind of stick with it for as long as you can.

All lined up along the fence. You could walk all around the top. The fence follows the whole perimeter of the top of the island (though really it's not an island, but that's what it's called) There are gulls all along those rocks and grass in the background....everywhere...

The temple, with of course.....more gulls
Andi standing along the trail. If you click on the picture and look at her's been decorated. Luckily that isn't our own personal umbrella, like I said a huge pile at the bottom of the steps donated by generous people who perhaps didn't want to take their poopy umbrella back home.

Oh, and did I mention the smell???? Horrid! Katie went up the steps, looked, then went back down. Mykah lasted a few minutes longer than Kate, then back down. Mom, Andi and I did the full lookey loo thing. Though I have decided that if I come down with some sort of bird flu ailment, I'll know exactly where I got it from.

Mom coming down with her decorated umbrella.

I'm sure there is some Alfred Hitchcock moments that take place here.
We did have a fun ride home....but I forgot to pictures in....I'll start off the next blog with pictures of a road just barely wide enough for the says it was smaller than the truck...things to look forward to.

Now, the videos. I'm sorry if they are a bit wobbly. It is hard to hold the camera, push the button with a finger on the same hand that is holding the camera and hold onto an umbrella with the other, while the wind is blowing and gulls are flapping about everywhere. But at least you get an idea of the noise....the stink...well, just imagine lots of bird poop...