Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 20 2011 End of Summer (part 1)

August 20 2011 - We rode our bikes (no that doesn't mean the type with motors on them that say "Harley Davidson"....ours are pedal powered and have Canadian logos....that's a whole other story....go to Japan to buy Canadian bikes) anyway, rode our bikes up to the city center, to see what is happening for the day. We went with no agenda, and were pleasantly surprised to be there right at the start of the costume parade.
A couple of marching bands started things off right. I think more bands joined in later in the parade as this is a very long route they have. (the parade loops around and ends where it began and I saw groups that weren't in at the start....I think they join midway through. this way if it's to hot some groups can drop out without the parade become all straggly)
Oh, did I mention today's parade is the costume parade? It has nothing to do with Halloween, just costume for reasons I don't know. The children seemed to be primarily Indian and middle eastern themed and a few others.
I think the above group was playing "It's a Small World", so outfits of everywhere.
Below: I think the poor boys head was to heavy on this day......

This fellow was walking behind about 6 women. I assuming they must've been the harem, and he the lord and master....either way, I'd hate to walk a mile in their shoes!

Now, the guys seem to have a great time with dressing up. Keep in mind they also drink a bit before and during the parades....but it makes for a good show! I love his pasties (above)
A major theme running through the parade was Lady Gaga and "Born This Way".

And then there would be this nice sedate group in between acts....
then, back to the madness.....I'm still have difficulties loading my videos....I'm hoping to get the video of these guys loaded at some point. They did a traditional recital of their moves, then broke into routine choreographed to Lady is hilarious...wish you could see it!

Darth Vadar really likes to pose for the cameras!
No, that's not a costume, that really is a police man.

And of course, parades mean food! The smells are just delicious. No, that sign up there doesn't mean you are eating your's the bottle maker for the bottled waters that they sell. We just thought it looked a little funny next to everything else you could eat.

Fried stuff....well, this one we can identify, octopus. We didn't have any of this today, but we did get a surprise on Sunday! (that'll be coming later this week)

Making fresh candies. Of course Andi wanted to stop here, but it looked really sticky...
And below, who knows what all is in pile. The egg on top is a common thing here, plus some cabbage and whatever else. Nope, didn't have this one either. Sigh, you must think we are really unadventurous, but what you can't see is our armload of foods we did buy. Why I didn't take a picture of that, I'll never know....
There'll be another posting this week, as we went to Sunday's parade as well. Plus mom is here now for her visit, so that means some additional outings.
I'm still grumbling about the Yen rate, so they will be carefully budgeted outings!
And yes, I'll work on the videos and keep you posted as to when I figure it out....grrr.