July 8 2009 Well, Andi and I headed out to "Miss Veedol Beach" (you'll find pictures from another date in this blog as well) We decided that we were tired of sitting at home and wanted to get out. Both of us really wanted to go out on a full adventure, but given the fact that our truck is not always reliable, decided instead to go some place close. We'll save the "road trips" for days when Shane can join us and help deal with any breakdowns. (on a tangent, no, no real breakdowns, just one on the way to work the other day. It was a fluke really, as we were able to coax the truck back to the mechanics, where they provided us with a loaner so Andi and I were able to get home with no real effort...I fear the day of a complete breakdown...of the truck that is).

Anyway, off the the beach. As you can see, not real sunny, a bit overcast. I rather enjoy going to the beach on days like this, I don't come out looking like a crispy critter! And, as you can see, it's not white sand beaches here....I try not to think what kind of sand....oil comes to mind. And let me just say....the water is COLD!! But once your legs go numb, you just don't notice. I waded out with Andi and then sat on the beach. Andi had a great time playing in the wet sand and watching the other kids play. Yes, she was the only white child out in the water, but that doesn't deter her. A great imagination takes her off to any place.

The beach was packed by any means, but there were other people there. I felt rather self conscious in my swimsuit. Probably because I was the only mom in a swimsuit...Other mom were in shorts and a t-shirt, or capri's, no short shorts, no bikinis all very conservative....now this is beach going I can handle. Thank goodness (for those wondering) my swimsuit is very conservative (hail LL Bean!), the bottoms look like shorts, and the top is basically a tank top, but still I felt like I was bearing to much....to much of my arms showed I think. Or perhaps it was the glowing white skin of my upper arms that never see sunlight anyway!

Above: A life guard class was going on just a little bit down from us. They all wore wet suits (can't imagine why...brrrrrr). They started with snorkeling, then some drills, including dashing in for their "drowning victims". Was fun to watch...would much rather watch a practice any day!

Above: A fishing trawler on it's way in. On the other side of the sea wall is the fishery port.

Above: Folks fishing off the seawall (made of concrete "jacks") Didn't see anything being hauled in. And didn't see anything out in our swimming cove swimming about, so not sure what there is to catch. I'm assuming whatever it is is very calm and docile...it is too cold for sharks, and (on another note) didn't see any jelly fish (blliicckkkk). Someday I'll figure out what there is to fish for from the seawalls. Need to improve my vocabulary on the fish species...hand gestures just aren't going to cut it for much longer.

And then, just about two hours later....the fog came rolling in. Lots of folks packed up and left. I have decided that there are enough overcast days here in Misawa that unless the rain is pouring down, it is still worthwhile to be outside. For if we went in as soon as the overcast/cloudiness started...we would never be outside.
But it was a good afternoon. Very relaxed and so much fun to watch the various children. One little boy was so excited to be setting foot in the ocean. He would run in, get his feet wet, scream with joy, come running out to his dad, exclaim some more joy, then run and do it again. There are times when there are no language barriers......I love those moments.