August 4 2009: Well, not a whole lot going on here. Took a walk a day or two ago, the rice is getting very tall! From what I can gather, harvest should be taking place some time in August..all depends on the temperature and all the weather variables. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures of the harvest. It can be done by hand or by machine. Will see what happens here.

Somehow I missed the carrots being harvested though. Can't say that I was doing anything to time consuming that would excuse me from my daily walks...but well. So the carrots are gone. The field next to it has already be re-plowed...don't know if it gets planted again, or it is done for the year. It does amaze me to see how moist the fields are. The dirt is black as black can be and oh so moist. No drought here. It does make me feel bad to see pictures of drought stricken areas in the States and around the world, and then just marvel at how rich the soil is here.
But otherwise, looks like a slow week for us. Andi continues on summer vacation. She does a little homework everyday to keep fresh and goes out to play with one of the neighbor kids. Hopefully this weekend we'll get to do some adventuring. That will depend a bit on Shane's work schedule and who gets the car.