Well, goodness, the week has slipped by rather quickly! Didn't get out for as many walks as I wanted. Wish I could blame it on rain, but it was mainly due to my own lack of motivation. Did get one good walk in though.
Those of you familiar with the blog know of "the little shack". Here it is again with the cosmos in full bloom. The yard is very well kept and groomed. Shane and I speculate that this man has probably lived in this his whole life, and has served him well.

Above (and below) is a yard that I frequently pass in the car. I pass it on one of my walking tours as well. On this day I finally remembered the camera. It is a rather large lot and is mainly topiary trees. Tree trimming is a very meticulous undertaking here. First there are the yards, where it is a work of art. But even when the city trims the trees that line the streets it is done with great care. No large cherry picker truck with mechanical saws at the end of unwieldy handles.....no, this is careful, planned trimming. There usually is a cherry picker truck, but that's just to raise the tree trimmer up to the high branches. For the most part they use hand pruners and saws to cut away the branches. And that is only after great consideration as to which branch needs to be trimmed.

Above: A cute little fire hydrant. I have learned that the 3rd character down represents fire, as well as Tuesday (not sure how they are related...)

The next few pictures are of the ongoing construction on our road. The road leading into the subdivision is still dirt. Which I love...it slows people down...naturally made speed bumps. But alas, all good things come to an end. At the moment the drainage is being installed. In this area, gutters are very serious business. After these are all done, they will be enclosed. (there are gutters that are actually trenches, just wide enough to accept your car tire and not let you out)

Anyway the crews are just as meticulous about road work as they are about tree trimming. Though I can't help but realize that it is job security at its best. They are also very polite and accommodating. School has started since construction began. The crew quickly figured out what time the children come home (right smack through the middle of construction) and halt construction for about 20-30 minutes every day at the same time. This way they have the quickest path home (though some days they have to detour through another subdivision) without the worries of being run over by a backhoe.

Well, now it is off to find things to start and not finish!