August 31 2009 Well, the time has come. Summer vacation has ended and it is back to school! Andi heads off to the third grade. She has been dreading the day....but guess what? it turns out she loves it!...knew she would.

But as the summer comes to an end there is still time to experience new things. The girl who is freaked out at the thought of a spider or any of natures other creepy crawlies is able to catch her own frogs! They are plentiful out by the rice paddies. There are water ways (mini canals if you will) that run long side the paddies. Apparently there are at least 200 species of natures creepy crawlies living in there. (trivial info....there used to be 400 at one estimate, but that was before pollution and greenhouse effects)

A rice paddy view from a new friends back porch. She has a great view! There is even a heron, a flock of egrets and other birds that come and feast on the creepy crawlies. Every now and then, instead of a rice paddy, there will be an empty paddy...no rice, just water...I think it must be to help encourage the birds to roost there, instead of messing with the rice....though ducks do make their nests within the rice.

The rice is starting to take shape! Hopefully harvest will take place soon. Though have heard rumours that this may not be a good year....to much rain...the grains haven't been getting a chance to dry out.
Another piece of trivia regarding rice paddies....they do not rotate with other crops. Where a corn field might be corn for a year or two, then changed out to something else, to help the soil....not so with rice...with all the little creatures and organisms that grow in the paddies it is a symbiotic relationship...
Here is a link with a little bit about rice....
Oh...and another bit of info....we are in the Northern Honshu area mentioned at the end of the article. (maybe next year I can learn all about Cherry Blossoms...this year, it's all you'll ever need to know about rice.)

So, the sun sets on summer vacation (once again though, I'm not looking west, it's the reflections through the clouds....this is a south/southeast view).
Since my compadre is back in school...I'll have to do some venturing on my own. If it ever quits raining in the mornings, I plan on taking walks after the bus has left....explore some other parts of Misawa and see what's around.....