But first the travelers guide as to what we are going to see: This is "located on the tip of the Shimokita Peninsulas about 3 hours North of Misawa. The "wild" horses have been bred for more than 200 years. The Kandachime have been crossbred with the Tanabu and French Breton breeds. In 1995 the numbers had dwindled to 9, a preservation program began and by 2003 the herd was 27. They are able to tolerate northern Japan's brutal winters, have great stamina and exist on a simple diet. "Kandachime" literally means "to stand in the cold."
Anyway, on the above map, if you click to enlarge it.....look at the right side for route 338, down towards the bottom is an airplane for Misawa Airport. We follwed 338 up, then a few jaunts to get to the Cape. I'm not sure what the gnome icon is. We passed that on our way there...will have to remember that for another trip, could be interesting.

Shane...King of the World? This part of the ocean is on the West side of the lighthouse. As far as I can tell, it's all the Northern Pacific Ocean in this area. I thought perhaps that on the West side of the lighthouse might be a different name, but not as far as I can tell....
More Ocean, west side of the lighthouse.
Ocean, on the East side of the lighthouse....looks remarkably the same.
We went beach combing for quiet a while. There was a lot of trash on these beaches, due to the currents. Found lots of neat things. Even found 2 glass fishing floats! Lots of neat shells, and this "impression" of an angel fish.
Andi and Shane spent lots of time climbing out on the rocks to find tidal pools. Never mind the signs that said not to go on the rocks due to the waves crashing in...oh well, my little law breakers had a great time and stayed safe.
Oh yes, there I am....Shane wonders why there are never any pictures of me....I asked him "who is taking the pictures" oh. So, he took one to prove I really was there.
The lighthouse. Didn't get to go in it. We walked around, but didn't see anyone else going in, so not sure if there are tours to the top or not.
We are on the East side of the lighthouse. By this point we were finally back in the car driving around the tourist loop. Kind of in the spot where the horse shows up on the map. The horses actually do wander up to the lighthouse as well....it is a large area they have to romp in. At this point we had been here for several hours. Saw many "signs" of horses, but no actual horses. So were ready to call it a good day anyway (due to all the treasures we had found beach combing). We went around a corner......and viola.....!
There were only about 4 other people there, and a total of 6 horses. But now I know why they are called "wild" with quotes......they interact with so many people, that you can walk up and pet them. Several stood still while Shane picked burs out from around their hooves. Andi had a great time petting them. A young colt was a bit curious about her shirt...a tie-dye and kept sniffing at it. When a young man in a wheelchair came up the embankment, that colt then went to him....curious about his mode of transportation, no doubt.
Definitely not a Thoroughbred! Rather stocky....and wide! Not sure how many hand high they are. But Shane, who is 6'2" stood taller than they 6 we saw....head to head wise.....I know you measure by hand to shoulder... but it gives you an idea.
I know Shane appears a little shorter than this horse....but he is standing down hill. Andi had a great time visiting with them. Actually, I did to......I do enjoy horses, just not being ON them.