Monday, December 7, 2009

Mystery Solved!

December 9 2009: Remember awhile back when we went to the old grand hotel? That weird looking creature that I couldn't figure out what he was, but was sure he must have some sort of significance in Japanese story telling? Well, my friend Bree (I shall give her the credit, as really I looked a little and got frustrated...but Bree found the info, though I think it may have been accidental.....I doubt she spent hours searching the Internet to find the info....though when she was not working she did claim to be VERY bored, so anything is possible.) Anyway... a link, and a few photos of the past(above) to freshen up your mind as to what on earth it is that I ramble about.
And hopefully later today I will get some more photos put up. Really, I don't have that much to do today, so it shouldn't be a problem....just that darn procrastination sydrome seems to be taking over again....