So today a walk in the snow, followed up by some pictures from a couple of weeks ago. We are over our illness...not sure if it was an oinking flu, or really bad colds, either way, it's done. Andi is on winter break. No mercy was shown however, as I dragged her out of bed to join my friend Carol and I on our daily walk.
Above is one of the roads I walk down to get to Carol's house. They don't plow in Misawa, so this is what the roads will look like on a good day. Then melting, freezing and yuckiness will take over.
Andi taking a break from all the walking! Actually, we hadn't gone to far...well, about quarter of a mile, but really, just the beginning of my daily walk.
While we waited for our friend to finish "layering" Andi made snow angels. It was perfect snow for angel making.
Just some scenic shots of what was around this morning.
OK, so a bit of backtracking here. On Dec 6 we went to a "festibal" of sorts. A new "mall" opened. Sort of a mall, kind of like a market/bizarre indoor retail area. And use the word "open" loosely as well. It was actually outdoors, as the indoors wasn't finished. But here in Misawa, if they say a grand opening is happening on a certain day, and the contractor hasn't bad, the event happens anyway.
But first, to get there we had to have a little walk. Just a short one, from the main gates, out to "American Park", which is right outside. Along the way, I noticed things hadn't seen on previous jaunts. I'm sure the plant is the only thing that could comfortable sit in this chair...
It was a nice day (way back at the beginning of December) The festival went way up "White Pole Way" (lots of poles once painted white....though I think it is supposed to be Main street now) Anyway, as always, mostly food. But we decided to "eat our way through" this time. But once I have food in my hands, I can't take no pictures of the delicious "rice on a stick" I had (soooo goooood!) or Shane's potato. Just trust me...some of this food is great...ok, the sort of tempura sardine left a little to be desired....just not a cold fish person...ok, not a fish person...
One of the food tents. I would have to say that there was only about 10 food tents this time. But that would probably be due to the fact that it is December. Usually at some of these festival there'll be about 30-40......all smelling oh so good. Even the things that stare back at you, smell good, just not sure about eating something that is staring back at me....that'll be for another festival.
And finally, what all the well dressed bottles are wearing. They actually sell these fancy little cozy's now and then. I've seen them a couple of times...but never have the "mad money" to spend do dress my bottles up. Some day....
All right then. Hopefully with school out for the week we get some adventuring in. Will depend on Shane's work schedule and just how much adventuring I feel up to. Andi and I are supposed to bake some Christmas cookies today (as long as we don't eat too much batter) and take them to neighbors....again, as long as we don't eat to much of the finished product either. Otherwise our morning walks are going to have to get a lot longer.