March 10 2010: Went to bed Tuesday night (the 9th) with just a slight snow falling, coating the almost completely cleared ground with a fresh coat. Woke Wednesday morning to a blizzard. School was cancelled (a first since we've been here). But Andi's dental appointment was still a go. It doesn't look very deep there, but Andi is actually in about 18 inches of snow. Shane and I did a quick shovel of the driveway and away we went.

Low visibility.

Got home 2 hours later. Shane decided to do another shovel. About 6 inches by then.

Our deck doesn't usually get any snow at all on it. But the wind was blowing so hard we had quiet the drift out there.

Snow falls quickly from the roofs here. There had been NO snow in that spot 24 hours before this. The pile ended up being about 5 feet tall. Most of it snow from the roof, some from drifting.
Below: About 6-9 inches on the deck, depending on where you were standing.

The way the wind was coming around the house, caused huge drifting on the garage overhang. Our garage door faces in a westerly direction, so I guess that means the wind was coming from the East, perhaps a bit of the south
Shane had to go out and knock down the part that was leaning on the wires.

3rd shoveling of the day (below) about another 8 inches. All told we had approximately 25.6 inches! That's the most we've had at one time here.

Below: outside view of the deck and our new "wall".

Next day it was back to school for the kids, and back to my usual walk. It warmed up a bit yesterday, so things are melting off fast.
The hawks are back out on the hunt for unsuspecting creatures (below). Saw this one at the end of my walk. Could hear it for awhile, calling out....finally it came within sight. Now if it would just hold still while I get it centered and take a picture....