Some of the above shots have been shown in warmer we just have the winter perspective. Though it has been kind of a warm winter. Well, I base this on my experience of last year, which was colder and snowier than this winter.

Above: A new water feature that I hadn't seen before. It's right by the old hotel, around by the "Chapel of Love". Yes, it really is called that. Wait for a spring day, and I'll get some pictures of it. A little bleak yet...
Above: A new water feature that I hadn't seen before. It's right by the old hotel, around by the "Chapel of Love". Yes, it really is called that. Wait for a spring day, and I'll get some pictures of it. A little bleak yet...
Below: Another branch of the river. It might be all the same river, or different ones...I'm not sure. I think I saw some pictogram informational signs along the way. Will have to investigate on another day and figure it out.

Below: Once we left the train station area then Jenell made some random turns...not sure where we were....just on the other side of the tracks. Really I had no idea there was so much over on that side. Ok, I just looked at the picture again. It does look a little bleak. But really there were a lot of buildings and houses. I think the shot was more for the volcano/mountain range. I can't remember.....I was on drugs, remember?
Below: Once we left the train station area then Jenell made some random turns...not sure where we were....just on the other side of the tracks. Really I had no idea there was so much over on that side. Ok, I just looked at the picture again. It does look a little bleak. But really there were a lot of buildings and houses. I think the shot was more for the volcano/mountain range. I can't remember.....I was on drugs, remember?
Today, just a quick jaunt into base to retrieve mail and some quick commissary shopping. Andi came with us, as Jenell was driving again, and this means Andi gets to play with the baby (something she never tires of...unless of course the baby is crying, or needs a diaper change). Andi and Jenell both got the new flavor of ice cream at Baskin Robins....they say it is quiet good... I'll take their word on it for now. I'm not sure about "tingling taste bugs".
Then home we went. Shane got some silence in the house for an hour this afternoon. He is studying hard and working hard. Back to the grind tomorrow for Andi (school) and I guess I have a mess in the house to clean up. (nah, it's really not to bad, Shane and Andi did a great job at helping with the small stuff that piles up fast).