May 28 2010: Finally, I got a picture of the Cuckoo Bird! You didn't know this had been a quest of mine, did you? Ok, the above picture....NOT MINE! Found that on google images (treehugger.com). The slightly blurry picture below...mine.
Last year around this time I heard the Cuckoo for the first time. Out on a walk, I heard the familiar call of someones clock. Well, I thought it was a clock....I didn't know the Cuckoo was still in existence.

But when I realized the sound was following me, I thought "either that is one LOUD clock, or there must be an actual bird". Then, every morning, there would be more and more calls. All day long the calls go, intermittently. Eventually, the bird continues on its migration to wherever. But, all last year, and as soon as I started hearing it this year, I've been trying to spot one. Finally, this morning there was one out on the electric pole. They are very skittish, so couldn't get to close, and had to use my zoom lens. You might have to turn the volume up on the video...
I do love laying in bed and hearing the wake up call! (though sometimes when the sun comes up it is too early....the sun rises at around 4 am)