May 16 2010- Ok, I know I missed another week. But you must understand....nothing has been happening. Andi and Shane made Mother's Day breakfast (I know a week ago) and we did a few walks. Other than that life has been very mundane. The highlights have been rain, rain, and oh some more rain. In between all that good fun has been dental visits. (At this point I am getting to know the dental staff quiet well, between Andi and I.)
Last week a walk at twilight. Another nice house....wasn't tell afterwards I realized the Honda sign is their nightlight. I don't know if the sign goes out at some point in the night, but gee, I guess you could save on electricity!
Below: A budding cherry tree. I am still playing with the new camera. Have some work to do on getting a decent night shot. So many buttons....

Mothers Day (May 9) we went down to the beach. One of my favorite places to go. Just love watching the water.....watching, not being in it (creepy things are in there....well not right now, it is down right cold water). Caught the incoming JAL flight as we got there.

Oh, the water looks warm....it's not. Our toes got caught while walking. Andi and I had our flip flops on, our toes were bright red by the time we got out of the surf. So COLD! It was actually painful. For those folks who survive cold water accidents, my hats off to you...I can't even begin to imagine full submersion in water this cold.

Away from the protective cove of the swimming beach the surf was quiet rough.
Heavy cloud cover; a sign of the week to come.

Above: Did I mention that beautiful blue water is down right cold! My toes still hurt. That's ok, though it's still great to look at.
Below: Some little birds looking for whatever you get out of sand. Actually the beach was littered with hundreds of clam shells from the seagulls this winter.

There's only so many pictures one can take at the beach. I know should have gotten some of Andi and Shane, they were there after all. But the wind was blowing, all the pictures of Andi you can't see her face through the hair. I don't know what Shane was doing, dutifully looking for beach treasures with me....none to be found on this day.
Below: Fishing trawler on the way back to the docks.

Well, during all that rain, the farmers managed to prep the fields for rice planting. Some fields have been flooded, but not planted yet. My goal is to get good pictures of the planting. My walking buddy Carol speaks Japanese....I have told her that on morning walks she can engage in conversation, while I take photos....and occasionally I might be able to say a word. My skills are still limited to one word sentences (if you can call them that) with lots of gesturing.
We will see what happens.
The week could be slow again...I must clean my house and prepare for visitors.