On the 25th we went to the mall. I think the kids (Katie included) enjoyed riding the slanted escalators more than anything....had to go up all levels and back down all levels. Though Katie and I did contemplate that one should ride down in a cart of some kind....
And, I'm sure you are aware, that when shopping, one must really wear sensible shoes. Gads! My feet hurt just looking at these.
Ok, now remember in the last blog posting I was telling you about our ride home. Tried taking a different way home than what we came? So, here we are at about the point that I realize this is not the road I think it is.
Ok, now remember in the last blog posting I was telling you about our ride home. Tried taking a different way home than what we came? So, here we are at about the point that I realize this is not the road I think it is.
And here we are when I realize that I will have to stick with this road that is not where I think I should be. I think it got even more narrow down by the curve, as there was more brush. But thank goodness there wasn't a car coming in the opposite direction. I really hate running locals off of their own roads....