So, on Sunday went straight there. But this being a small town, he had a sign out that he would open at 1, instead of the usual 11. What better invitation to go looking around.
There is a Buddhist Temple nearby that is large, with extensive burial grounds.
Below: Many depictions of Buddha.

Below: Guardian at the entrance to the cemetery. He's either god of thunder or wind, can't remember which.
So many resting places. It is hard to get an idea as to how old this place might be. Some monuments look very old. Just to give you an idea of the funeral process.

This was a very ornate monument. Lots of little details. One can only assume that it must be someone of great importance.
Below: Detail from above of the front pedestal.

A happy Buddha statue. Of course, as my niece Katie pointed out, a fat Buddha is an oxy-moron. He was actually very thin due extensive fasting. But this guy, I can relate to. I like the happy Buddha.
Below: Guardian at the entrance to the cemetery. He's either god of thunder or wind, can't remember which.
Below: Detail from above of the front pedestal.
Below: What appeared to be a mystery statue. Who is this depicting? Why is he here? Ahhhh, but the answer would be reveled later in the week. You too shall have to wait. (plus it give me more time to research some stuff....though I do know his name already)

Below: Couldn't help but notice the blue house across the kind of stood out on a gray day. I rather liked it.
Found a few more houses while waiting for the China store to open.
The manufacturer of the house below was having an open house across the way. Mom and I went in it. What else does one do on a Sunday but peek into open houses. It's the first time I've done it in Japan though. These (well at least the one below) are very modern houses, very American. Large and open, but yet a cozy feel to it all at the same time.
Below: Couldn't help but notice the blue house across the kind of stood out on a gray day. I rather liked it.