Friday, July 9, 2010

July 4 2010

July 4 2010: Yes, I know it is really the 10th of July. I am just now getting to the end of our visit. The 4th we dropped Mom and Kate off at the Misawa train station. Since they are back home now, I know they found their way just fine.
Down on the tracks, Kate strikes one final pose before the train pulls in.
We had a good vantage point from above, where this young man was VERY excited about watching the trains. He jabbered away to us now and then, we talked back, neither of us knowing what the other was saying, but a good conversation none the less.

Below: The train leaving the station. (I know, it kind of looks like it is pulling in, but the front and the back look really is leaving)
Andi cried a bit after that. But went shoe shopping and to McDonald's, the two can help with most cases of the blues.
Later in the week we went to a new park, that our neighbor had stumbled across. It has a real neat jungle gym, that doubles as a maze.
Not really made for the taller parents...I don't know about Shane, but I bumped my head a lot.

Somehow Andi amused herself on the teeter totter....Shane did come along and do some arm presses to help her along, and get a little upper body workout.
Andi making her way through the maze.

Then there was that mysterious game of golf/croquet again. Still can't figure it out. They tee off like in golf, holding the mallet like a club. The closer they get to the post, then they change to striking it like a croquet mallet. There are no wickets on the course, just the gate/hole.

Above: Where you want to end up at.
Below: The tee off.
I know, I need to ask "what is this". Some days I just feel a bit tongue tied.
So this catches me up to this week. Where we are currently being very busy at doing nothing. No worries, I'm sure I'll find pictures of something, or find somewhere to wander off to. Just give me a few days.....