Most are from Tokyo and surrounding area.
Below: Great! Is this a shrine to the BBFR? (Big Black Flying Rats you know them as Crows)
Below: A school group out on a field trip.
Ah....I know I have made comments about the Japanese trench toilet, but have not provided much more than that. Well, now you get the full picture.
Below: Taking a peek, the Great Buddha - Kamakura. The 2nd largest in Japan at 13.5 meters.
The Arnold family traveled South of Tokyo to a town called Toba. It was here that they enjoyed their expensive hotel room. (reservations made via computer not realizing the rates til the confirmation was received) But enjoyed their once in a life time, over the top hotel extravaganza.
Below: The bathroom. After the sinks there is the half wall, (glass the rest of the way up) brings you into the shower area. What a view! (complete with an overhead shower spray)
Complimentary PJ's not made for the tall Americans.