September 26 2010 At last the cooler weather has arrived! Just a little nip in the air in the mornings. Some spectacular sunsets this last week as well, followed by mornings of pouring rain. But it's all good.

On this Sunday, it was bright, and sunny with the temperature just right. Decided it was time to get out of the house. So, Andi, Mykah, and myself got our bikes ready and went for a bike ride.
There was lots of "STOP!!! I'm taking a picture!" Andi looks at it as great opportunities to rest....I think Mykah thinks I take way to many pictures , "just like your mom" he told me. I tell him this is good training for some day when he gets married....
Above and below- a couple of houses that I liked. (and no, that's not a real dog out there)

Oh goody! A horsey place! No, don't look to hard for a horse that appears as though it could be jumping....all we could see were little miniature horses. I think my sisters dogs are bigger than these appeared.

But, then we didn't get all that close to anything.....Really, it doesn't take much for me to not want to go near a horse....this just cements it for me!

Above: One of the many roads we went exploring on...going on roads we'd never been on.

Came across a farmer harvesting his rice crop. His little boy was having a great time up there with his dad! Now, this is just one type of tractor used to harvest. This one, the rice is cut and scooped through the front....then into the middle where the grain must be thrashed off, and put into the sacks. The straw is spit out the back (left end of picture)

In the end, some fields will look like the one below. Others are cleaned of all debris. I guess it all depends on who owns the paddie.

Below: An example of "STOP! I want to take a picture!"

Made a circular loop, not sure how, and ended up at one of the shrines by our house. Took a break to walk around and admire the carvings and the solitude....despite there being a busy road just a stones throw away. The trees are mature and provide a great sound barrier.

It was a good bike ride. Just need to work with the two as to which way is Left, and Right! Really, how many do they think they have??? "Go left" "Left?" "Yes, LEFT!" "This Left"-as they turn in some sort of right diagonal where there is no road......bang head, bang head.....
Maybe we'll try it again next weekend....after I draw L and R on their hands.