We've had days of sun and blue sky, with reasonable temperatures at long last!

Today, the 19th was the designated day for the Misawa Air Show.
And don't look to closely at the crowds...you'll not see Andi nor myself in there. Andi doesn't like loud noises, so this is our excuse to go exploring. Shane is already out of town....at this moment in Salt Lake. Sadly, one of his sisters was killed, so he is stateside for the memorial service.

Today though, ended up not being a big outdoor adventure. Morning rain showers and heavy cloud cover changed our plans a little. We headed for Toys R Us in Hachinohe first.....taking roads we had traveled before....have to keep some of the adventure alive!

After wandering the toy store, nothing fun to bring home, we went back up to the local mall, via the same means....roads not traveled before. Being a rainy day....those not at the airshow, were at the mall. This means a packed food court. But Andi, on a previous outing with her father knew of a tucked away restaurant....we ate there.....spaghetti, really good spaghetti!

Then home again, via more back roads. Not the same without Shane with us.....it's hard to take pictures and drive at the same time....(nooooo, I only took the pictures when we were on a dirt road!) Now, this evening the rain has returned. Rice remains out in the fields. Some fields had been partially harvested, but now, I think, it has to dry out again. I shall keep track of "Quiet Road" and see if those fields get harvested this week