September 4 2010- After a long hot week in Misawa (hottest summer in Japan on record, since record keeping started in 1898) Andi and I headed for the hills. It was a girls day out, while Shane parked himself in front of the computer to catch up on some of his college courses. Andi and I enjoyed the pleasant mountain temperatures.....not to mention a little dangling of the toes in the waters of the lake.

The purpose of this festival is a gathering of some of the best performances of three Prefectures (kind of like a state or province) of Northern Japan. There isn't a set parade, but rather the groups perform at different stations through out town. Perform at one and move on to another and perform again. Then at the end perform in a concert area, where really large crowds gather.

Strolling along the lakeside path we came across various performers, who were done performing. We came across the below group just after they finished. The young lad in front (looking at the camera) looks less than thrilled. Well it probably wasn't as pleasant of temperatures dressed in costume.

Oh, look! We finally came across a performance. Now the next problem was that we would go and wander about, hear music, go to where they were playing, and somehow keep coming across this same group! Ah well, it was still fun!

Finally, we went and did something different. Andi has never been on a paddle boat....until now. And truth be told, she didn't really do much work. That's ok, I needed a workout.....I guess.

I'll have to say, it was a bit hard to look out the front windows with a giant swan neck blocking the view. Perhaps it's easier to see out if you're shorter. (I'm just saying....)

The side views were much easier. Andi was a little nervous to start out. You must understand that her frame of reference for things that float on water was the USS Nashville...a tiny bit larger than this bird.

Below-one of the little islands near the shore. We really didn't venture to far out, since I was the only one providing power, didn't want to overdue it.

A little breeze on the lake, but it was nice.

Andi finally got over her nerves and put her fingers in the water and tried to spy fish. She thinks she may have seen some, hard to tell with the shadows playing in the water.

We ate a late lunch, early dinner at one of the restaurants. Andi could look out and see the dancers, and we could hear the music of the (yes, you know it) same group we kept seeing.

My view was out at the lake.

While eating we had noticed this woman walk by with her puppy buggy. Complete with two little dogs. We came across her a few minutes later when we were wandering around. She offered Andi a chance to hold the little dog and take a picture (I'm sure she is very used to this judging by how happily she posed) Let me tell you, that little dog was SOOOOOOO soft! It was like touching a cloud!

Needless to say, Andi wants a dog like that, complete with puppy buggy....

As we left, I couldn't help but do a double take at the two policemen. It's not often you see a tall Japanese person. The cop on the left is average height!