November 29 2010: Well, a slow week has passed. All right, so it wasn't so went rather quickly. Thanksgiving came and went, as did the leftovers! We had a great meal on the 25th celebrating with neighbors.
The past few mornings we've been out trooping through the woods walking another neighbors dog (well, they live a quarter of a mile away, but that's close enough for being a neighbor) while they are out on holiday.

Last week was a full moon. Night photos don't turn out so well, but did catch a not so full moon during the morning.

One of the highlights of morning walks, is catching a hawk out looking for morning munchies. I dutifully carried my camera with me every day on the Noah walks. Caught sight of this fellow Saturday morning. Was hoping to catch it in flight, but the sun was at the wrong angle.
This morning (the 29th) I went out WITHOUT my camera (really, I should know better) and had the privilege of being able to stand and watch a hawk play in the currents right at tree top level for about 5 minutes. I wished, of course, that I'd had the camera with me so as to record the flight. The sun pushing through clouds behind me, clear sky above the hawk, slight breeze, and not even the slightest sound, not even a crow!
Someday I would like to have time to just go sit in the fields and try to get pictures of the hawks, storks and whatever other big birds (except the crows) come by. I find it as tranquil as watching fish in an aquarium or going to the beach to watch the waves. Someday.....
Sunrise on one of the walks.

Ah, I told you it had been a slow week. (but oh so fast) This week will probably be the same, with just a tad more excitement built in. Nothing exotic like a trip. Well, there is a trip, just to the dentist for some surgery. Nothing major, just MY usual.