On the bright side, we do have Mister Donuts out here. Japanese Donuts are a bit different than American. They aren't as sweet, and not as heavy. It's a little surprising at first, but now, it just make sense.
Ok, let's get on with the happenings of the last two weeks. You'll pardon my not posting anything last week. Recovery from dental surgery trumps blog updates anytime. Especially when pain killers are involved and my eyes crossed at the slightest effort to do something productive. But recovery has progressed nicely. I'm down to just a few token advil's with the occasional super motrin tossed in. Stitches come out today, so I'm sure it'll be a motrin kind of night.
Cabin fever got the best of me on the 11th. Dragged Andi down to the beach, even though the wind was blowing a gale. No rain, so it must still be beach weather!
Oddly, I've never noticed that there was a giant clock tower on the beach. Well, not to giant, but big enough that I don't know how I missed it.
Caught site of a rainbow. It was a full rainbow, but the other end just didn't have such a majestic view to disappear to. Andi is sure the mermaids are reaping the rewards of that pot of gold that must be down in the ocean.
Even though she mumbled and grumbled about having to come with me to the beach, Andi did seem to enjoy herself.
The airbase isn't to far, so this the approach route on most days. That's a Japanese plane, from their air force, a transport of some kind. I'm sure there's more detail....but well, I'm not that into planes to do further research.
And of course, the obligatory shot of waves crashing in.....just can't help myself.

Better yet, is the snail shell that Andi found. She has gotten our first fully intact snail shell! That's right up there with finding a whole sand dollar.
December 12, 2010: Tired of hearing me complain about never getting out, Shane took a study break, so that we could do a short Sunday drive. If you recall a few weeks ago, I forgot my camera. On a day when we saw so many interesting things. Well, wonder of wonders, we made our way back to one of those spots! A large Buddhist temple. It was a big compound. I would guess that the Monks are living on site, though it was quiet on the grounds this day.
I don't know the name of this temple. (that would require some research....which though I am feeling better....not better to spend to much time on research...)
I loved this little statue.(above) And as always, the woodwork on these temples is just awesome!)

The Buddha statue above overlooked the cemetery. And towards the base of the statue was the mother and child statue below. And yes, it was cold enough that the hat and scarf were appropriate!

View of the cemetery.
6 Buddhas in a row. (well, I assume they are Buddha's.) Not sure which each represents. Will have to print off a picture and take it to my dentist appt. The assistant is Japanese and loves to answer my cultural questions! So perhaps I'll be better educated by the end of the day. (one can only hope)