Sunday was baking and decorating day. And, no, I did not bake the gingerbread walls myself....those came with the kit. I love kits! Andi had a great time decorating the house to her liking. (rarely does she "color within the lines")

Note the guard dog on the right side of the above picture!
See all the snow??? Um, yeah, another mild year so far in Misawa. It was about 40 degrees yesterday. Though a good stiff wind was blowing out of the Northwest, to bad it didn't bring snow with it.
We went to another neighborhood park. Andi has found if she keeps her eyes open as I'm out exploring, she can generally find parks. We noticed this one last week. Yesterday became a perfect afternoon for checking it out up close. (she even remembered how to get to it)

While she was playing, I noticed the roof pieces on the house right next door to the park. I'm thinking someday when my husband builds my dream house, or perhaps my daughter's husband, or their children (I believe in the long term!) I'm going to look back through my pictures to find just the right roof ridge pieces to put up there!