January 2 2011- Well, now if you're expecting to see some sort of exciting outing to welcome in the New Year, you are about to be disappointed. No big outings. Nothing exciting. Although I did manage to stay up til midnight to ring out the old and bring in the new. But only because Andi wanted to stay up and toast the New Year. We didn't go out for two reasons. One, the eve day brought in gales of wind and rain which continued into the night (50 knot gusts). And the second, Shane was in great pain with a back/hip injury. He felt it pull about two weeks ago, and things escalated this weekend. Saturday, the 1st, he discovered he couldn't get dressed to go to work. So, it was decided it must be time to seek medical help. With Andi roused from her sleep, and sent over to the neighbors (thank you Jenell, again, for taking her!) Shane and I headed to medical. Many pain killers later, and more in hand we headed home. The good news is blood tests reveal no sign of any infection. It looks to be muscle related, but could be a long road. We have traveled this road before, but thankfully it's not the same problem as before, so we are hopeful that it'll be a little less stressful.

So, with Shane tucked away safely in his chair, with computers at the ready, Andi and I decided to invite Mykah, the neighbor boy. (you'll remember him from some summer adventures)

We went down behind the Grand Hotel to feed the fish. Oh yeah, I forgot, it's cold out....they've gone off to deeper parts of the water to hibernate, why would they want to suffer through the cold! Ah well, it got us out of the house and for a little walk. The skies are overcast, so things look a little drab. But thank goodness there is a little snow to cover the drabness. (ok, ok, I'm not going to quibble about our little amounts of snow after watching the wacky weather in the states, compared to there, we are in paradise!)

Above: etchings in the boulders in the water.
Below: Andi and Mykah pausing from throwing snowballs in the water.

The temperature started dropping a little on our walk around the water. Snow flurries started, and even the horses looked a little chilled. There were two horses out, neither was interested in our clicking to get them over for a head rub. I didn't offer them the freezer burnt bread we had brought for the hibernating fish...I thought it might insult them....

In the big parking lot that we use for parking at the Grand Komaki Hotel, are a couple of churches. I'm not sure the denomination of either....

but I do love the name of this one:

Main doors to the "Chapel of Love". Somehow I expect Elvis to pop out around the corner.

So end's our exciting New Years. Every now and then we get a Christmas break where everyone is healthy....that's now and then. Upon telling my sister May of our emergency room adventures this weekend, she decided that she's not real sure about visiting us during Christmas vacation.....ever. You know, in the military, or with other folks who move a lot, you usually tell what the year was, by where you were living....us, we figure out the years by determining what emergency room we were in over the holidays, and for whom. "Oh, the time we spent New Year's Day at the Misawa Airbase Urgent Care.....yeah, the first day of 2011...." "What year did we spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the ER at Naval Medical....oh yeah, 2006...I remember that year"
Happy New Year everyone!