January 23 2011: Another tame week here in Misawa. Total snowfall for the winter is at a mere 40 inches....not any where near where it should be. On base the plows are out at all times clearing the roads. Out here in town, it's drive at your own risk. We shovel our driveway, though at times not sure why, as the street doesn't always get plowed. If it's a big dump, the landlord sends out backhoes to clear the way.

Where we wait for the school bus is at an intersection, that can get kind of congested in the mornings....2-3 cars at a time. But it's a blind corner, so the kids stand in the driveway of one of the local farmers. Most farmers will use their tractors to plow their work areas around the house and working barns. This fellow has created a giant pile. Which in Misawa, is one of the cornerstones of a good winter....snow piles. Usually our yard has two to three large mounds by now, but well, the landlord hasn't been plowing. (6 inches does not warrant street clearing)

So bus stop time, is a great time. The kids just have to be careful not to slide into his bushes, or knock to much snow off. (mean bus stop mom keeps them toeing the line) The pile is about 12 feet high at the moment. It was bigger the previous week, but I kept forgetting my camera.

And in case you can't pick her out of the crowd....(I know lighting was not the best, hard to do when the sun is coming up) Andi is in the pink jacket. They have a blast...I worry non-stop about blood being drawn, or bones broken before the bus comes. I tell them to have fun, just get on the bus in one piece!