Below: A view through the trees at some "dry docked" fishing vessels and the beach marker.

Above: Rules of the beach. Oh, this might take some figuring out. I'm assuming that since "x"'s are on the simmers, it must be no swimming....or is it no lap swimming. It is an open beach...not protected by a seawall, so I'm assuming no swimming. Obviously we'll find out this summer, when we return in warmer weather.
Above: Decorative lamp posts. I like it when lamp posts have a theme. Makes them more quaint. (statements like that remind me that I must be growing older....where did this woman come from?)

Below: Map of "where are we". I don't know. If you enlarge the picture, I believe we are up towards the top right where the people are throwing in the fishing nets. I do know we are definitely north of the road split. (I know this as that's where we turned around for our double back)
So, it was a short outing. But thank heavens we got out! Life continues onward! (I wish it would slow down just a tad) Now, if the weather can keep up its warming trend then perhaps I can venture out to the Japanese bike shop and purchase my new bicycle. And of course this means I'll have to use it. Oy vey! How much exercise can I possibly get...pedal, pedal, pedal...stop, take picture, pant, pant, pedal, pedal, pedal...etc.

(and drat it all, my spell check for blogger doesn't seem to be working....let's hope I caught most of the mistakes!)