The van that hit Shane.....(keep going for the rest of the story....)

February 6 2011: Well, it hasn't been just a long week, but the 2nd was also a long day! Shane went off to work, and called me 10 minutes later to announce his accident.....excuse me "Motor Vehicle Collision". It's no longer "accident" as that implies something to do with intent, or lack thereof....(as it was explained to Shane) Personally, I thought an accident was just that, lack of intent, didn't meant to do it. Anyway, it was an icy, icy morning. Shane wasn't going very fast, about 20KPH, if that, decelerated for turning traffic, and went skidding off. He did try for a clear spot to get off the road, just to end up being broadsided. It was a Japanese driver. So, had to wait around for Misawa City police and for the base to send out security forces with a translator. In the end it'll be Shane's fault...never mind that there was ice and snow everywhere and that the other driver was probably going much faster (he was headed downhill) he's the American and there are some locals who feel "if the Americans weren't here, this never would've happened".

Fortunately, we do have insurance. Not sure how much Yen the other vehicle will cost to fix, but that's what the insurance is for. On the down side, our truck has been pronounced totaled. Which in Japan, just means the insurance company won't fix it. We get our money. And we can pay the mechanic to fix it anyway (which he has kindly offered to do....a couple of mismatched doors, and possibly some of those doors won't open, but it'll run)
And yes, Shane is ok (a slight stiff neck) and the driver of the other vehicle appeared fine and declined going to the hospital.
And that's the short, short version of the week. Thinking of it all makes me tired, so we'll leave it at that.
So it was a long week.
Last year at this time we took a little detour on the blog and went to Panama. Well guess what! I've been watching the news, it's been a long cold winter everywhere and I think we all need a little time to day dream....so some more pictures have been provided. And a link!