The sign below is for a day care center. Take a good look at the picture of the kid on the sign. Not sure that's what excitement is supposed to look like (?)
Below...The Dolphin Vet. Because, yes, even dolphins catch colds. Really, it's just the name of the veterinary clinic that treats dogs, cats, birds and rabbits. It just struck Andi and I as silly. Perhaps it was just hunger getting to us.

Above: The sign we were looking for. Yes, I know, it doesn't say "Viking" anywhere on the sign. It is the style of eating. There is a grill in the middle of your table. Go to a buffet line, pick your various meats (a wide range, chicken, chicken parts, beef, beef tongue, squid, pork, pork parts....I usually stick to the chicken and beef....the parts...not so much) Anyway, grill those up at your table, along with whatever veggies, grab a bowl of rice (already cooked) and whatever else you can imagine and eat to your hearts content for about 90 minutes. (go back for more as much as you want) It's tasty good!

Then when done, bicycle your bloated belly back home....nah, we didn't over stuff to badly, it was a pleasant pedal home (about 5-6 miles)
Above: Now, if I can remember where I saw this sign....we'll have to go back and give it a try!
Above: Paver tiles in the pathway.

Below: Found a really nice bike path off the road, through one of the neighborhoods. Went past about 4 or 5 neighborhood park/playgrounds. I love these parks!

Pretty flowers in bloom. I think they are peonies. I could be wrong....I'm sure someone will let me know.

And ducks (?) in the rice paddies. We're pretty sure they are ducks, just not sure what variety. There's something to find out....what does a duck say? Dogs say "won won"...(pronounced "juan juan"...like the Latino name) I'll get back to you on that.

Above: This gave us a double take. Really shouldn't be anything unusual about see a deer rack of some kind. Except we've never seen deer, or anything else of the species in this area. One can only assume, perhaps the Northern island has some sort of creature...

Below: Had to make a quick stop at our neighborhood park (as we cut through it on the way home). Andi had to demonstrate her new found skill of going down the slide crouched on her feet. I hope she doesn't hit a bump and take a chunk out of her tongue. (she is blessed with the family trait of "tongue concentration" from both sides of the family)
I'm sure her next goal will be to do this standing. I wouldn't put it past her. A lot of the kids go down standing....oh to be coordinated...