On Saturday (May 28) we took our bikes out for a ride. (they were looking lonely in the garage, begging to go outside) Anyway, we rode up to one of the local elementary school to find they were putting on a "sports day". Best described kind of like an American elementary field day. But here, they keep score! And the whole school does a choreographed routine. (and note in this area because of the long winters, there is no grass on their field....it's hard packed dirt, which gets really mucky in the rain)
Above: Families come out to watch. This is some serious spectating. I'm not sure how long the program runs, several hours judging by the amount of gear brought out. But all those ground covers didn't have a speck of dirt on them. Just so orderly!

Below: Andi showing off a pretty cherry blossom.

Notice that the kids are barefoot for this part of the competition/program....you'll see why in a moment.
Oh, they're just getting started (above)

Below: The thing about public bathrooms in Japan....the urinals in the men's bathrooms, are right at the front....just a well placed board gives some privacy!

Above: It looks like a house (and part of it very well may be) but it is also a cafe/bakery. On my list of places to go! Just gotta earn those pastries!

Below: Wisteria

The "Seussical" rice planting machine at work. (My friend, Jenell, has said that the rice planting machine looks like something Dr Seuss would've created in one of his books).

It was a cloudy day with a few rain sprinkles, for this bike ride. But not bad. It turned out to be a wonderful day for a bike ride, since it did nothing but rain for the next two days.