Below: One ugly fish. Yes, that is all one fish. It is called a Pirarucu, is freshwater in the Amazon region. It can grow up to 10 feet long and 400 pounds. How would you like to have that nibble on your toes!
When we returned to base the Tanabata Festival had started. What better way to end the day then to stroll around, with your shaved ice, enjoy the breeze and the smell of so much good food!
Friday evening (the 22nd) had beautiful weather. A slight breeze....I think my child is in there somewhere....
there she is!

Below: The local pizza delivery vehicle. Pizza in town can be a great adventure. Especially if you can't read...it might be squid, octopus, or is it just plain sausage?

When a store is closed, there are roll down doors that cover the regular doors and windows. I like it when they are painted.
Looking in a store front. They must be getting ready for another parade later in the year!
A couple of locals. I did get video of the fellow playing, but I am having difficulty getting it to upload. So for now it'll just remain a mystery.

Above: Waiting for her ice cream!

"Issho ni sore o okonatte Nippon o ataeru koto ga dekimasu" This is the motto for most
celebrations this year. It will show up later this week when I take you to the Tanbo art display.

Below: Stringing up some more decorations. They are taken down each night as the road is reopened to traffic til late the next afternoon, when it starts all over again.

And now for our dinner! Our favorite festival food, Ankur India Restaurant. We love the curry, (chicken for me, mutton for Shane) and the bread that it is served with. Andi just goes for the bread. Especially when it gets cooked right there!

Taking the bread out of the cooking kiln. If you look closely it's just possible that Andi is drooling. Oh, then the topper, brushed with melted butter! Yum, yum, yum....the perfect way to end our day.
The festival runs into the evening hours, I think around 9 is when they close up shop, it starts again the next afternoon. But I think Andi and I had a lovely time wandering about (Shane was working).

Now, it was a busy weekend. There are more pictures to come this week. Didn't want to put 50 plus photos all in one posting....spread the joy out. My goal is Wednesday to have the next bunch up.
Now, off to be productive in the house...I feel a nap coming on.