As a result of said illness, no updates last week, and very little in the way of outings. I have no desire to drag my camera along to take pictures of a bleak urgent care facility in the basement of an equally bleak building.
Though a couple of weekends ago, we did bike into base. I think the above pink flowers are known as ice plants, going crazy on this wall.
The purpose of this ride was to base, and to the base nature trail. Signs of which we have seen the entire time we've lived here (well, I have, some of us have never noticed the signs til just a few months ago)
Anyway, about 7K bike ride to the trail. We had hoped to bring our bikes with us on the trail, but were advised that some of the turns might be to much for Andi. So we walked it. Not a long trail, maybe a mile in total. Of course it's the woods, with lots of itchy plants and the sort. Nothing in bloom at the moment, so no pictures of flora and fauna, aside from the above.
The trail ends at the base beach on the lake. (the one with the long name that I can't remember how to spell, and just do not feel like looking up at the moment) The ring is the communications area that does a lot of "listening" to the rest of the world. It's on the internet, so I can say that. Below, despite a 7K bike ride (one way) a mile mini hike, the girl still has boundless amounts of energy. Jungle gym break for at least 20 minutes, before walking back up a steep hill to where our bikes were tied up.
Now, random things. Here is something I just don't see every day!

A slug bug! "Punch buggy green!" Needless to say we all got to punch one another, as a classic bug just isn't seen all that much. The occasional newer bugs are around here and there. The other day I saw a classic VW van....I was astonished!

I liked the post office mail drop box. The times on it are so precise. I am positive that the mail man does indeed come at those EXACT times posted.
The above sign was posted on a restaurant door. Ok, the no smoking, I understand. Fire prohibited, goes with the no smoking....not a problem. But what hazardous materials have been brought in before that there is now a sign prohibiting them?
Ok, the above kills me. We went to the farmers market this weekend (uummmm, fresh fresh fruit!) There are various vendors...fruits and veggies, some fried stuff on a stick, fresh cut flowers, potted plants, fresh seafood, discounted shoes and purses, seeds and planting implements, and this guy....get your toilet here! One is out on a folding chair for the outside display.

Below, is just random vending machine options. The last time we were in Hachinohe we came across a vast amount of options. There are 7 machines in this photo....you can't see the other 4 that were around the corner from my shoulder.

But, one should never be thirsty. Coffee's galore...hot or cold, all in a can.

Real gold is an energy drink that tastes remarkably like cough syrup that the Dr. used to give us in the 1970's. Didn't like it then, don't like it in this form either!

German brand hot cocoa...also hot or cold. (tastes better hot)

And my favorite....drinkable fiber. I really wanted to try some, but both selections were out. This is the only time I've ever seen this selection. Now I am keeping my eyes out to see if I can find it. The label guaranteed I could get my full days dose of fiber in this one small bottle.
So that is our slow few weeks. Have no fear. Mom will be here visiting eventually, that always picks up the blog a bit!

And yes, we have had a few good rattles. One yesterday (the 10th at about 10am) that was a 7.3. Enough to perk us up a little, but not enough to trip the circuit breakers on the gas line (which it will do, as we discovered on our last good jolt a 7.2, trips the kerosene...just have to reset the box, and all is good to go again....) Always glad to know the safety features work...especially since the kerosene tank sits right next to the house....right....next...to the...house. (I have found that odd to have the kerosene and propane tanks are within inches of the house, but there are quite a few safety features...I feel safe, yet exposed...)
Anyway, the aftershocks happen. Most of them are centered in the area of the big quake. We feel a lot of them (not nearly as much as the weeks following the big one), but are coping with them, and moving on.