First, I should point out, we aren't in Towada City. This is Shichinohe (She-chee-no-hey) or roughly translated as 7th city. And as I'm writing this, I realize I didn't get any photos of the shops....but I will remedy that later in the week, when I take you to another station.
But I digress (what's new).
Horse statues. Fabulous horse statues, made for children to climb on and burn off energy.
Below: You see Andi demonstrating how her mother usually ends up on a horse. In reality this isn't to far from the truth. Though I don't think I've ever ended up in this position, but many others....and usually with large amounts of un-lady like profanity which would make a sailor blush. (my mother assures me that someday if I have my own horse this might all change. sure, if my motorcycle is named "horse" this might happen.....maybe that's what I should name my bicycle...)
Mom next to a bridge over the water way. Which, didn't really have any water in it. But still made it look like Andi's horse was crashing up over the river bank.
Now, just so you know, we weren't the only ones taking pictures like we've never seen fake horses before.....
Above: A close up of the bridge.

Below: We continue our journey. I had been attempting to find this special flower park. At certain times of the year there are Iris's and Azalea's and all sorts of flowers in bloom. But of course, we are one week to late. I'm proud to report that we did find it. Just no pictures as it was closed and we couldn't even get into the grounds.
Instead you'll have to be content with this shot of a rice paddy in the foreground and sweet potatoes/yams in the background. (the sweet potatoes do grow underground, but they put the vines from them up on fencing...I don't know if it is done this way in the states, I have never paid attention)
Well, since the flower thing was nixed we went up to Kommako Land (the horse park) one of Andi's favorite destinations.
Took Mom through the museum, which she hadn't done before. We've been through here before, so just a couple of pictures this time around. (though I could hear the click of the camera every 2 feet as Mom went along)
One of the benches outside was a friend to watch the clouds roll by.

We ate lunch at the little restaurant there. There were no English signs posted, so figuring out what we were getting was tricky. Usually you put your money in a vending machine, push a button at the menu choice and a ticket pops out. You give the ticket to the cook and they cook it up. Through my limited language skills I managed to convey a wish for rice and ramen. (after 2 and a half years, I should be able to do that much!)
Garbage cans at parks are very limited. Usually the eateries will have them to dispose of your food and drinks. The far can is for glass and cans. The middle for plastic bottles.....and the last, well, can you figure it out????
Remember, we don't say our "R"s much here. It's "everything that burns".

August 25 2011:
Yup, still raining. Andi thought we should go to "Children's Land" which is also known as the Hachinohe Botanical Gardens. Along the way, thought I'd get a shot of the "Big Boy" sign. Yes, I was driving, and yes we were at a stop light....
Upon arriving it was lunch time again. (my I ate out a lot this last week) Once again, the vending machine. This time the cook didn't speak my dialect of basic Japanese. So it was vending machine roulette. Didn't do to bad. Mom ended up with a bowl of ramen with thick noodles. I ended up with ramen with wheat noodles. Not to bad. Though ramen has a LOT of sodium in it. I think I drank a gallon of water afterwards. Andi's doll joined us for lunch.
Andi's favorite ride a the park is the swings. I think she went on it 5 or 6 times.
(remember you can left click on a picture to get a closer look at the expressions!)
Just to mention as Andi does this she is usually singing "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky!" Love that song, love watching Andi believe in herself!
There's is a new section to the children's side. An indoor play area. Andi was having a great time. Til she realized that a Japanese boy (about 4 years old, I couldn't get a good picture of him) was following her everywhere. Actually he and his siblings/playmates all took a shine to Andi. Andi on the other hand is still really self conscious around Japanese children. She can't get over the language barrier aspect. But they tried to play with her.
Above: Silent contemplations.